Chapter 9 // Family

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Kara was in the room within milliseconds, she looked ready to fight. But Lena didn't see it. She was staring at the tablet in her lap. Kara was at her side in moments. Suddenly Lena's vision became blurry, she couldn't see anymore. Her breathing became fast- too fast. Her mind was unfocused, not a clear thing going through it.

Lena was pulled into Kara by those strong arms. Maybe Lena didn't know what this Lillian was like, but if she was anything like the Lillian she knew it meant she was in deep shit. But Lena calmed down, she got her breathing under control and her vision normal again. Kara quickly excused herself and grabbed her phone from her nightstand. For the first time, Lena really looked at her nightstand and saw a picture of Kara holding the newborn versions of Liam and Lori.

It really was the perfect picture. It looked like purity, a new life that wasn't hurt by her family. And won't ever be hurt- she couldn't allow it. Lena just smiled at the picture and felt her eyes tearing up. Like clockwork, Kara held her again. Suddenly Kara whispered "Hormones?" Lena let out a wet chuckle and nodded against Kara's shoulder.

Sometime later Kara let go of Lena and sat beside her in bed. She pulled Lena close and said "Alex and Lucy are coming. And about twenty other DEO agents. So don't worry about protection." Lena nodded and placed her head on Kara's heart, slowly falling asleep by the calm heartbeat.

Lena walked downstairs, Kara had just awoken her telling her she was going to prepare breakfast with the children. Lena walked to the kitchen where she was greeted by none other than Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers and Samantha Arias sitting at the kitchen island. Lena didn't expect Samantha, since she was an old friend of Alex, who cut their ties when they left for college, with Alex going to Metropolis University and Sam going to National City University.

Other than the three also Kara and the children were there, but there were three, not two... baking a big amount of pancakes. Like always Liam was the first to acknowledge her by running towards her and yelling "Mommy!". This time Lena grabbed and held him. Lena placed a kiss on his cheek and he giggled. He quickly started to talk quite excitedly "Mommy! We are baking pancakes! I did it just like you thought me too! Ruby and Lori also made a couple!" Lena chuckled.

"I am proud of you buddy. And did it turned out the good colour?" He nodded rapidly and with that walked over to her wife. She kissed a batter smudged cheek and placed Liam on the ground again.

That was the moment she was greeted by the three women. And the extra child, a girl, about five years old. Probably named Ruby since Liam just mentioned that name. A cup of water was slid towards her by Kara, with both Lucy and Sam giving her weird looks. Lena chuckled and looked at Kara, who was too busy to notice her looking. So she turned back and said, "I can't really keep a secret for you both, but hey number three is coming along."

Lucy smiled brightly and Sam gasped, rushing over and hugged the other woman tight "I- I can't believe it!"

Sam walked back after some time so Lucy came over and hugged Lena. Kara quickly asked while they hugged "And when is the sixth Danvers grandchild coming?"

Lucy stiffened while she was hugging with Lena but relaxed again when Alex said "Maybe soon. But hey, we first need to make sure everything is okay." Lucy hummed in approval and with that, she walked back to her seat.

Sam suddenly said, "I can't believe I became a Danvers."

Lucy chuckled and said "Neither can I, but hey! Here we are. I, married. And you adopted even though you didn't need it."

Kara spoke, "Well- I am not so sure about that."

"Neither am I, but hey. I will always be grateful for you and Lena's help. If though you didn't need to do it you were there for Ruby and I. And the strange thing was that it also happened to the both of you. But, we all know what Kara's Kryptonian DNA does wonders." Kara turned red so Lena pecked her cheek, which only made it worse for a second before it fades away.

"So Lena," Alex started, so Lena turned towards the women again "Lillian escaped which means you need to stay here, but we all know what was already the case."

Kara cut her off "You told them about her problems?!"

Alex sighed and said "Kara, we are a family. We look out for each other. And I didn't tell them the good news, so please- respect it."

Kara mumbled something under her breath so Lena spoke up "Kara, darling, they are only trying to look out for us. I know we have done quite some things by our self. But now we could use some help, with both Lillian and me. So let them be here for us." Kara looked down and nodded. Lena placed a hand on Kara's shoulder and squeezed gently. And with that she went to one of the other chairs at the kitchen island, her feet started to get hurt.

Slowly they started to talk about many things. Most importantly they talked about the pregnancy, which she was six weeks along with, so nothing much yet to see. But it was nice and it felt good.

"Hey, Kara?" They were sitting in their dining room, eating pancakes. With her mouth, full Kara looked up. "Is game night still on for tonight?" Kara nodded since her mouth clearly was still full. "Good, that means I can text Winn and James." Lena knew those names since they both were in the same year as they were. Winn was basically Lena's second best friend. She could be a real nerd with him, talking about all different kinds of tech. But for some reason, she got scared, since she didn't know what game night was. But she would survive.

Edited by: Anonymous

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