Chapter 6 // Home

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Lena slowly opened her eyes, she would have rubbed them if her hands were free. But a space-heater of a Kryptonian lay next to her, holding her protectively tight. Lena sighed in content because she hadn't felt this... secure in years. She felt appreciated and cared for, even though she wasn't Kara's Lena. No, she was an eighteen-year-old Lena, who was in senior year with Kara.

Lena almost cried again... but just stared at the ceiling and put those feelings in boxes, knowing that she would be here for quite some time. So that meant she needed to act better, learn and appreciate it.

Luckily two factors got removed pretty quickly: Work and children. Since she probably couldn't take care of Liam and Lori, because Lena and being a mother... that just- she hoped for children later. But now- no. She was only eighteen years old with a devil- no that is an insult for the devil, something worse than the devil of a mother. And work- she was learning how to be the boss of the company, even though Lex probably would be the CEO. But she knew some bits.

Lena sighed and lied there, on her side, staring at Kara. Lena wiggled an arm free and moved a bit of hair out of Kara's face. She smiled slightly when she saw that well-known crinkle. Lena moved her hand to the crinkle and almost touched it, but she stopped. She sighed and retrieved her hand. She couldn't touch Kara yet. Maybe soon, but not now. Because Lena didn't know what was happening and- maybe it was all fake. Because Lena- Lena was just eighteen years old. Not twenty-four or something like that.

Lena looked at Kara and saw that the crinkle was more forced than before. Suddenly Kara held Lena tighter so Lena knew what was happening. Her hands were stuck because of Kara so she quickly said in a hushed tone "Kara, it's alright. We are okay. It's just a dream. Wake up." She repeated parts of it a couple of times and it worked, because after a couple minutes Kara, who started whimpering some time ago, woke up.

Kara, in her sleepy state, leaned over and kissed Lena short. Lena smiled a little when she heard a "Morning" coming from Kara.

Lena, politely as she always was, said "Good Morning, darling," back. Which earned a smile from Kara, who was now laying on her back with her eyes closed. After a minute or two of silence Lena spoke up "Kara, honey," Kara opened her eyes and quickly turned towards her, crinkle clearly visible. So Lena quickly said "Relax, it's nothing bad. Just a simple question. What comes next? Are we going home? Or-"

Kara smiled a bit sleepy and simply said "We are going home. And there I am going to plan out therapy sessions and things while you watch a television show called Lucifer, I may or may not have watched a part of it already," Kara looked at everything but Lena as she continued "I'm sorry."

Lena chuckled which made Kara look at her again. Lena simply said "It can happen. We both know we don't have that much free time, and you just wanted to enjoy it." Kara beamed at Lena and quickly surged forward, capturing Lena's lips with her own. Lena just chuckled and kissed Kara back, knowing that it was worth it. And with that, they laid there for some time.

Lena sat in the car beside Kara, their driver, whatever his name was, was driving them home. Kara sat close and had an arm around Lena, holding her. Lena sighed in content because the previous hour had been hectic, with ultrasound and many prescription pills. But now they were going home. To their house, where Eliza would be with the children.

The car was put into a halt and their driver stepped outside, he quickly opened Kara's door. Kara slipped out and held her hand out for Lena to grab, so Lena quickly grabbed it and slid out of the car. Once outside she took one look at the gigantic building in front of them, it was safe to say that they were rich.

Lena didn't have much time to look at the house since Kara started walking side. Lena quickly followed, since their hands were connected. Kara opened the door with a key and with that Lena stood inside a big and perfectly decorated hall. A door flung open and in came running Liam. Before he could hit Lena, by hugging her legs, Kara spoke up in a demanding tone, something quite different from Kara 'Sunny' Danvers "Liam!" Liam stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Kara. "What did you promise Eliza?"

He looked to the ground and said a muffled "Not to come near mommy."

"What did you say?"

Liam kept looking down but spoke louder "Not to come near mommy."

"And what was the punishment you would get if you did it?"

Liam looked up with tears in his eyes and said "Half an hour no fun."

"Go to your room and think about what you did." The boy nodded and rushed upstairs.

Lena looked confused at Kara and asked: "Why did you do that?"

Kara turned back at her since she previously had been staring at the right stairs, where Liam ran up. "Normally you would do things like that- so I did it? I thought it was nice to help. And we both know the children know they are in the wrong when I punish them. And I think this time it was worth it," Lena nodded "Come on, I am going to put you in bed and grab my laptop. So that you can sleep and I can contact our therapist." Lena nodded and with that Kara pulled her upstairs to their room.

Not much later Lena lay in bed with Kara, on her laptop, next to her. She fell asleep thinking about Liam. And about how much he looked like them since he had her hair and Kara's blue eyes. He also had Kara's sharp jawline and Lena's nose. It was safe to say that that boy would be pretty handsome later on.

But with a content smile on her face, and Kara's hand massaging her scalp, Lena fell asleep.

Edited by: Anonymous

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