Chapter 8 // Stories

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Lena slowly sat up, the movie just ended. The children were fast asleep and Kara, Kara was barely keeping her eyes open. Lena gently nudged Kara who's eyes immediately shot open. Lena smiled at the tired Kara, who was acting all though. Kara turned towards her and asked tiredly "Hmmm? What?"

Lena chuckled and said "Come on, your children are asleep. The movie finished. Let's put them to bed." Kara was in the middle of rubbing her eyes so she nodded. Within a couple of seconds, she stood up and grabbed her children. One in each arm and walked upstairs. Lena quickly followed Kara, who wasn't walking that fast. The screen turned off when Lena left the room, which was quite cool.

Upstairs Kara opened a door quite far from their room and walked inside. The room was quite themed since both beds looked like rockets and the walls and ceiling were filled with stars and systems. Lena chuckled when she saw all this. Kara looked back at her with this grin and asked: "Still not used to their new room?" Lena smiled and simply shook her head.

Kara laid the children in their separate beds who both slowly started to wake again. Liam was the first to talk in his tiredly state "Ieiu? Could you tell us a story?" Kara smiled and sat down on the ground between their beds. Lena sat on the ground in front of her, not wanting to show favoritism. Because she couldn't do that, right?

Kara looked at Lena with a real Kara smile on her face, known as the thousand-watt-smile, and with that Kara started. "Once upon a time there was a young girl, who was in her freshman year of high school. This girl was lonely the whole year. She had some problems with her parents since they weren't nice nor home that much. But the girl was the definition of a nerd," Liam started to speak but Kara just continued "Which wasn't wrong, but the girl was really smart, like really smart. The first year she didn't have any friends. But the second year, sophomore, she met this ray of sunshine. A girl who was about her age and just like her stood out," Kara looked at Lena with a bright smile.

"This ray of sunshine gave the girl everything she needed. But most importantly friends and a safe place. It was safe to say that those became best friends within days. Which the girl was ever so grateful for. Mostly because her father died that year. And the mother of the girl became a bad person. She would punish the girl with punishments that would be way too bad. Sometimes the girl would go to bed without food," A gasp came from her children and Lena almost chuckled.

"But the girl- she had her ray of sunshine. Over the years the girl fell in love with her 'savior'. Not because she literally saved her, but because even though she didn't know the girl's life was that bad she was there for her," Kara sighed but continued "One day the girl forgot to set her alarm and was too late at the car. That evening she got punished, no food," Suddenly Lena thought This must be my story... and the part where I left off

"While crying she fell asleep. But hours later, when the girl woke up she got out of her room and ran to the garage, where she stole a car. With the said car, she drove to the ray of sunshine's home. There she knocked on the door and luckily for her the ray of sunshine opened the door. Without thinking the girl surged forward and kissed her ray of sunshine. Luckily for her, after some seconds of shock, the girl grabbed her and held her closer while kissing back," Lena smiled at Kara, she liked how their story went.

"That day their lives changed forever. The girl, who was eighteen at the time, decided to live with her girlfriend, they made it official that evening, for the rest of her school career. Together they went to National City University and lived with each other. One day, the girl got pregnant while they were in their last year of university. The girl was really scared that her ray of sunshine didn't want the child. But luckily for her, when she spilled the news her ray of sunshine kissed her and spun her around in her arms. All was well... until,"

Kara sighed again. Is this the part about Lex? Lena nervously played with her hands, if it was true she would hate this part. "The girl had a brother. And the brother hated one thing really much. A hero called Superman, why? Because he thought of Superman as a God. Which he isn't. But the brother was scared. So he did something which made him hated by many. Because of his actions he had to go to trial. The girl was shocked, she never expected this of her brother. But here she was. Because of the trial, they had to keep the pregnancy silent since they were in the news all the time," Lena sighed and looked up. Kara was looking at her apologetically.

"But when the trial was over the girl got some news. A whole company was left for her, one she needed to run. Luckily for her, she was just finished with her finals so together, the girl and the ray of sunshine, moved to the big city of Metropolis. Where the girl worked as the boss of the company. And the ray of sunshine? She stayed home with the children since they were born a couple of months before their move,"

Kara looked from left to right and spoke again "The girl couldn't live in that big city. Since her brother hurt it. So they moved, with their two children, to a big mansion in National City. And do you know what happened?" The children shook their head "They lived happily ever after."

Liam was the one to ask the question "About who is the story?"

Kara looked at Lena who curtly nodded "Us. The girl is your mother and I am the ray of sunshine," Kara stood up and said "But for now it's bedtime. Tomorrow you can ask questions." She walked over to Lena and helped her up. After saying goodbye they went to their own room. They quickly changed and brushed their teeth. When Lena slipped in bed she grabbed her tablet and searched for a news outlet, Catco.

She gasped and let her tablet fall when she saw the news 'Lillian Luthor escapes custody.'

Edited by: Anonymous

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