Chapter 4 // What The Future Holds

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Lena blinked once... twice... and then exclaimed, "What?"

Alex smiled and calmly replied, punctuating each word, "You. Are. Pregnant."

Kara spoke up, "Alex, could you leave us? I want to speak with my wife?" Lena looked wide-eyed at Kara so she completely missed Alex nodding. She was shocked when she heard the door close. But she was even more shocked when Kara roughly grabbed her head and kissed her, putting every bit of love in her body into the kiss.

Lena sat there completely shocked and, luckily, Kara didn't miss it as she backed down and looked at Lena with her head turned to the side, inspecting the flabbergasted woman. Hesitantly, Kara said "Lena?" Lena's gaze, which was first fixated at Kara's head, switched to Kara's face. "Are you okay?" A hand moved to Lena's arm, rubbing it a little. Lena blinked again, slower this time.

Soft lips met her head as Kara moved a bit forward. When those lingering lips left her forehead, Kara spoke in a hushed tone, "Lena, I-I know it's still a bit too soon. But- we can take care of it. Just like we did with the twins."

Kara stayed silent for a moment and when Lena didn't speak up, she continued, "You remember it? Four years ago?" When Kara didn't get a reaction, she sighed and continued. "We were both in college, both twenty. Something happened we thought wasn't possible. Me impregnating you. But it happened, and that day. You- You were so shocked. But two years prior I told you about me, who I am. About my legacy and that I wanted to spend it with you. We weren't married back then, but we were exactly like this. You were shocked, closed yourself literally off, something that doesn't happen in this form, and I- I was delighted, surprised but delighted. I had another reason to love you. Not because I could love you more, but because you- you made something possible for me. Something I had hoped for for years."

Kara sighed in content and spoke up again, "Do you remember the first time I held them both? Liam and Lori. I looked at you in tears and said 'I-Thank you.' I literally thanked you because you gave me children. I- A Kryptonian had children. We might have had some problems, especially when Lex attacked Kal-El. But we got through it, you and I. Now we have something to give to this family. To our legacy. To let people see our love. Because Lena- There isn't a day that I want to spend without you." Lena finally gulped her saliva down and nodded. Kara was right, she might not remember this, but Kara was right.

Kara placed a chaste kiss on Lena's lips and said, "You- my wife. Are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I will be here for you every step of the way. Every painful and awful step, alright? We will go through this together." Lena nodded again, and for the first time her pupils focused, she could see Kara's bright smile, but with that crinkle on her head.

She did a double take before saying "Okay."


"Okay, we are going to do this. We are going to be parents again." From the outside Lena looked calm but, from the inside, the eighteen-year-old girl was going crazy. She couldn't believe it. She had had a child with Kara at twenty? So, she spoke up a bit vague to get some answers from Kara. "How did we ever do it back then?"

Kara chuckled and said, "Luck of you having classes in the evening and me in the morning. And our nanny of course. Rosita was a great woman shame that she isn't around us anymore. But we did it." Lena nodded again, she couldn't really find the words.

So, she showed in actions what she felt towards Kara, how grateful she was that Kara wanted a family with her wherever this was. She surged forward and put her hands in Kara's hair. Their rough kiss, which took Kara a bit back, developed quickly. Like, really quickly. Their tongues, like the first time Lena kissed Kara like this, collided for a battle over the kiss. It was almost like Lena's muscles knew what to do, every twitch, movement was perfect. Like literally perfect.

When Lena finally gasped for air, they had been kissing for quite some time, not that any of them noticed. But Lena did notice that they were a couple feet in the air. She gasped with the air she just got in her lungs which made Kara follow her gaze and look down. She chuckled and lowered them.

Kara might have been calm, but Lena- Lena was going crazy. Kara was Kryptonian?!? It was pretty obvious that Lena missed Kara saying it in her flabbergasted state. But now- Now her mouth flung open, but no words came out. Kara's hand found Lena's chin as she slowly, making sure it didn't hurt Lena, pushed Lena's mouth closed.

A hand waved in front of Lena as Kara said, "Earth to Lena? I know the medication they gave you for the cut on your head," Something Lena completely missed, "Might have messed you up a little, but this? This is a bit too much. Should I get Alex?"

Lena shook her head and finally found words "I-Remember when I said I didn't feel like myself?" A nod. "Yes-uh-I might have forgotten some things... Like you- And- You know?"

A crinkle appeared on Kara's face, "Know what? Lee, you are scaring me." Lena leaned back in Kara's lap.

She sighed and said "You- Being a Kryptonian and all."

The crinkle only got worse. "But, you-you created my suit. So? How? Should- I think we need a doctor." Kara placed Lena with ease on the bed and stood up. "I- I am going to get Alex, just relax or something. Your tablet is on your nightstand if needed. Just- Don't move." Lena nodded and with that Kara was gone, out of the room.

Edited by: Kahlanaamnell

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