Chapter 8

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“Focus, Raina!” Aldrea had been hounding at Raina for an hour in the garden, constantly calling out her faults.  Aldrea barely gave her the schematics of elemental magic before throwing Raina out on her own.

She is furious at me because she thinks I have been practicing elemental magic against her teachings.  Raina tried to reanimate what she did last night although she had no clue how she did it.  She didn’t even know if she was the one who caused the water to fly everywhere.  And how could she do it if she didn’t know how it happened?

“Ahh!” she exclaimed as she slumped down to her knees, her breaths in ragged strokes.  Her body felt sore and worse her head had not fully recovered from her injuries and was pounding now.  An uneasy feeling flared in her stomach.

Dark robes and boots stood in front of Raina.

Raina looked up to see Aldrea peering at her with suspicious eyes.

“You didn’t move the water last night,” Aldrea stated as she held out her hand to help Raina up.

Her stomach still felt queasy and she held it for a moment.  Aldrea was watching her like a hawk ready to strike.  Raina took a deep breath before responding, “How do you know?”

“I could push you with my finger right now and you would fall over.  You’re not strong enough to pull off what happened last night,” she held a glass bottle filled with water for Raina to drink.

Raina gladly drank, the cool liquid gliding down her throat with ease.  The pounding in her head and the soreness of her body gradually dulled and she was able to stand with little effort again.  Her stomach finally settled as well.

“What is in this?” she held the bottle up and tried to inspect it.  She knew Aldrea wouldn’t poison her, but she would intertwine a spell into water if she had to.

“A remedy I used to use when I was learning elemental magic.  Your body and mind were pretty pushed to the limit.  I have been there before,” Aldrea sat on one of the benches, “Which brings me to the question; how did all that water get on the floor, walls and ceiling of your bathroom?”

Raina sat down, thankful she was dressed in a black tunic with black leather leggings and black calf-length boots as it was cool that morning, “I don’t know, Aldrea.”

“Loki told me that you don’t remember your dream.”

“I…I lied…”

“What?  Why, Raina?”

Raina started to pace around the temple and explained how she saw Loki sailing away and then how she felt like something else was in her dreams, something was missing.

“Did you feel a presence?”

“I don’t know what it was.  There is one other thing…”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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