Chapter 23- Human?

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Elena’s POV

I have been fat and round for 3 months now.. The baby is meant to arrive any time now. Bonnie has been doing frequent checkups for me and the bub and I couldn’t be any more happy that this baby will soon be in my arms.

“Bonnie what’s happening?!?!” I screamed as I had the worst pains in my stomach and the baby was kicking so hard it felt as though he was going to kick through my stomach.

“Elena the baby isn’t human remember… The baby is coming a lot and its going to hurt a lot more than normal! Stefan is on his way home now! YOU’RE HAVING THE BABY” Bonnie softly spoke as she squeezed my hand taking away some of my pain with her witchey powers.

 “Push just once Elena! Let’s get this baby out!” Bonnie softly spoke squeezing my hand harder as I used more strength in my body to push.

 “AHHH JESUS BONNIE!!!!” I screamed as the pain became excruciating.

 “Elena! I am here!! It’s okay!” Stefan puffed as he ran into the front door and zoombed into the bedroom of my childhood home.

 “Elena… Why are you here and not at our home?” Stefan asked.

 “Bonnie and I were getting the last of my things and we were going through some old memories when the pain came along AHHHH” I screamed. Screw trying to explain with this pain!

 “Push Elena!! The baby needs to be born now! Squeeze as hard as you can. Just breathe the pain will be all over soon. A few more pushes and you will have your baby in your arms!” Bonnie spoke as she her mouth dropped.

“She is almost out Elena! Her head is out! It’s time for the shoulders!! Just two more big pushes Elena!” Bonnie spoke again as I heard a baby cry…

 “Come on Elena!! It’s time for the legs!! The hardest part is over! Your baby will be out in a matter of seconds!” Bonnie smiled.

 “Ahhhhh” I breathed as I pushed one last time as black dots clouded my vision.

 “She’s beautiful you two…” Bonnie whispered as I shot up and looked at our child….

 “She’s perfect Stefan!!!” I cried as I held our baby girl in my arms.

“Look at how stunning her eyes are Stefan!” I cried as I played with her little feet, hands and nose.

As I gave Stefan the baby the look on his face was different to happiness… It kind of looked like relief… Or maybe anger…

“What is the matter Stefan?” I cautiously asked as I watched him hold our child.

“Elena……. She’s not a Vampire!! She is human!!! Our baby is human!!” Stefan yelled as he put the baby in my arms and ran down stairs to retrieve Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, Madison, Damon, Alice, Jamie and Lexi.

“Hey baby girl!” I whispered as I kissed her little nose as she giggled and pulled my hair.

“Wow she is adorable you two! Get in the picture Stefan!!! It’s your FIRST FAMILY PHOTO!!” Caroline squealed as she pushed Stefan closer to me and the baby.

“What have you decided to name her?” Madison quietly asked as I let her hold the baby as I looked up at Stefan.

“We haven’t decided yet.. But we have decided who the godparent’s are. Caroline and Bonnie, You’re the godmothers. Klaus and Jamie you are the god fathers...” Stefan mumbled as he stared at our baby thinking of a couple names for her.

“Elena how are you feeling?” Bonnie asked as she placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

“I feel fine… Not even the slightest bit exhausted like I was before… Umm… Can Stefan and I have some alone time for just a bit..? Please guys” I asked nicely because I didn’t want all our friends to see me feed off Stefan. “Jeremy bond with your niece...” I laughed as he walked away with our baby girl.

“Here Elena” Stefan spoke as he bit into his wrist and as the blood veins rushed from my eyes and the fangs grew from my mouth I drank his blood.

“Baylee….” I smiled.

“Baylee Jade Salvatore……” Stefan added...

“It’s perfect” I smiled as Jeremy heard what we said and brang Baylee back into my arms as everyone came back into the room and talked to us about the one and only Baylee Jade Salvatore. Caroline and Klaus were holding Baylee… God they are a perfect couple… They would be adorable if they had a child of their own.

Baylee Jade Salvatore will soon be the most famous baby in the world of Vampires and Mythical Creatures... I didn’t even care about blood during the birth of my daughter… She and Stefan will keep me sane.. My life is now complete.


 Andddd that’s the END of the story…..

Thanks for reading my lovelies.  


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