Chapter 19- A Pregnanant Vampire?

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Elena’s POV

I am a vampire who is pregnant… Less than 6 months ago I had the perfect family life with no drama but love really does change all.  My mum used to tell me that every day when she was alive. Her main goal in life was to see my happy with the boy of my dreams.. At least I have the second part. My brother is now also a vampire.. Life has changed dramatically.

“Stefan…” I spoke as I cut myself off of my upsetting thoughts. He didn’t say a word he just walked over and softly kissed my cheek then held my baby bump.

“She’s finally gone...” I smiled and leant into Stefan’s body.

“I know baby! Everything will now be okay.” He giggled as he softly picked me up and took me back up to my room to get some sleep.

“Elena Maree Gilbert.. I love you so much and I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you these past 6 months... You have lost a lot of loved ones yet you still manage to laugh as smile. You are the strongest girl I have ever met and now that you are a vampire and pregnant.. You will be even stronger; You can get through anything and everything! I will always be here to protect you, Jeremy and the baby! I swear to put my life on the line every single day just to make sure you are all safe!” Stefan cried as he held me so tight and kept apologising for everything that has happened when he entered my life.

“Stefan I love you and you and Jeremy and all my friends are the reason I am still here today! Being a vampire has a plus side.. I get to spend eternity with you and I have my brother by my side the whole time.. It’s going to get better from here and my love for you is now a lot stronger and I love our baby girl already.. Everything will be okay Stefan!” I spoke as I gave him back tickles and played with his hair to make him fall asleep. 

“Baby wake up! I have a surprise for you! Get your bags! Pack enough stuff to last a night and 2 days… We are going away for a bit!” Stefan spoke as he flicked his freshly showered hair onto my body.

“Mmm can’t you pack clothes for meeee? Please Stefann! I feel like shit and my body hurts so I want to sleep for a bit longer” I spoke as my stomach cringed.

“I will wake you up in half an hour baby! Go to sleep again” Stefan whispered as he kissed my cheek and tucked me in.

“Stefan.. Where are you taking me?? I thought I needed blood or else I die..” I asked as Stefan placed a blindfold over my eyes.

“My plan has to be changed! You were supposed to be human when all this went down but it will still be the same you will just like it more. I am sorry Elena… You are going to have to drink blood to turn.. But think of it like this... We get to spend eternity together and we will have our friends and family by our sides… I refuse to let you die” Stefan spoke with sadness in his voice as he led me into a car and took the blindfold off me for a bit I opened my eyes to see a little blue and white box sitting in front of me.

“Open it Elena!” Stefan spoke as he handed me the box.

As I opened the little box I saw a golden key necklace with an engraving on the front of the key which read the date of the day we started dating in Roman Numerals… He knew me so well! It was perfect!

“I Love it Stefan!!! Can you please put it on? Why did you get me this? It’s so perfect!!!” I asked as I moved my hair away from my neck and handed him the necklace.

Stefan put the necklace back on and also the blindfold… What is with him lately..?

"This will explain why… I love you so much Elena Gilbert!” Stefan giggled as he picked me up from the car and carried me for a little bit leaving the blindfold on tightly. As he put me down he slowly took the blindfold off and I opened my eyes to see the most amazing house.

“Do we get to stay here for the weekend?” I asked really excited to see this beautiful house.

“We get to stay here for many years Elena! Unlock the door to our house baby!!!!!” Stefan whispered.

I was too shocked to even speak let alone unlock a door with how bad my hands were trembling! I jumped up into Stefan’s arms and kissed the living daylight out of him for a good 5 minutes. As the kiss broke apart I slowly took the necklace off and placed the cute little key into the door and listened for the click noise which was now a lot louder thanks to my new coming abilities. I slowly pushed opened the door and that’s when I saw that Stefan had chosen the perfect house for us and the baby…

“Stefan this is perfect!! I would love to live here for the rest of my life with you! How did you know what I liked?” It really was the perfect house! I betcha Caroline helped… It looks like she did.

“I don’t know El.. I guess I just know you well hehe. Caroline helped me decide which one you would love… We are going to move in here sometime this week if you are ready that way we can feed you animal blood I am so excited Elena! Our life can start now!!” Stefan spoke as he held my hand tighter and showed me around our house.

“And last but not least.. this is your room!” Stefan whispered as he pushed me onto my bed.

“Stefan… I love itttt!! This whole house is perfect!! Can we move in tomorrow???” I squealed as I looked around all the secret compartments of my new room.

“We sure can!! Elena… You haven’t turned yet.. Come with me we are going to look around the surroundings of the house searching for a blood bag then switch you to animal blood right away to make sure you do not become a Rippah or hurt humans. I will show you the amazing view! You can spend the whole night looking at the house with more detail as in the effects of becoming a Vampire” Stefan spoke as he picked me up and zoomed me out of our house.

“Stefan it feels so amazing!! I need more…… I need more blood!!!” I yelled as the veins coming from my eyes grew stronger.

“No!” Stefan spoke in his husky voice pinning me against the tree putting his hands all over my new and improved body.

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