Chapter 21- Blood Cures The Soul.

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Elena’s POV

The baby has been really active lately; I have been feeling her kick at least three times a day every day.  I don't think that's very normal... Im really worried about the baby being a vampire and I really don't think the pregnancy will be any bit normal.

“Hey umm Stefan…” I enquired as I searched his incredibly toned perfections.

“Yes Bub” He replied with a smirk as he obviously caught me drooling over him. Woops.

“Do you think because I am a vampire and so is the baby that she will come out earlier than normal?” I asked a little bit worried and trying to make him forget I am lusting for him.

“Umm… I would imagine so but who knows you might even have the perk of the birth not even hurting” Stefan giggled as he tried to make me forget about the worrying for a day, “Damon and Alice will be back in an hour Bub, we can get everyone over and discuss it then if you want we can even have a house warming party/baby shower since we are now fully moved in and comfortable” He smiled showing his pearly white teeth.

“Actually Stefan… That sounds like a really good idea..  Should we have it tonight..? Wouldn’t Alice and Damon be a bit exhausted to come to a party.?” I asked now extremely excited.

“Elena… We are vampires… We drink a little blood and we are perfectly fine… We shall have the party tonight. I will go out now and invite people. I love you Elena” Stefan kissed my cheek got out of bed and put his shirt back on.

“I want to come with you” I squealed as I jumped out of bed and trailed behind him. 

Soon enough using our vampire speed we invited everyone we liked in the town. Now that Katherine is gone the town seems to feel a little bit safer. None of them knew Katherine was the one causing all the trouble but now that no real trouble has been about they feel safe enough to attend a party.

Hours passed Stefan and Damon were re united and all the girls were re united as well. Alice is one of the members of our click ever since she tamed Damon everyone grew to love her. Oh by the click I mean all the Supernatural girls of the town.. Caroline, Bonnie, Lexi, Maddison, Alice etc.

The party was now over, everyone had left and once again it was just Stefan and I. The house didn’t get trashed so that’s a plus.. A massive plus. Minus the fact that I have a slight craving for blood.

“Stefan… Now that the party is over can we open all the presents? Pleaseeeee” I asked Stefan because the whole lounge room was covered in presents, hopefully that would take my mind of blood.

“You can open all the gifts after we tell you our news” Damon spoke as him and Alice walked back into our house 30 minutes after the party had finished, “Alice and I are married….” Damon widely smiled, waiting for Stefan’s reaction.

“You what? When??” Stefan asked puzzled but happy extremely happy for his brother.

“Alice the ring…… It’s perfect!!” I whispered, Damon and Stefan were having their moment while Alice was showing me her ring.

“Damon and I got married in Hawaii and had our honeymoon in Paris. It was perfect Elena! I finally got my love of my life back! I’m sorry you guys weren’t there.. I honestly had no idea he was going to marry me. It was a massive surprise” Alice’s smile started fading as she spoke the last part.

“Alice no way should you be sorry! I am so glad you are now married and that is the main thing.. Plus I wouldn’t have liked to see the way he kissed you that day” I winked, “BUT!! Did you kiss on top of the Eiffel tower??” I squealed they are so cute.

“Yepp… On it and under it many times” Alice giggled.

“Come on you! We are going home before you take away all my dignity” Damon laughed as he picked up Alice and zoomed out the door.

“Well that was a massive surprise.. Come on let’s open these gifts before we fall asleep” Stefan laughed as he ripped open the first gift revealing this adorable baby outfit with the cutest little shoes. Buying our baby girl some clothes will be so fun. Most of the presents were baby clothes and some were baby accessories like a stroller the towns people are all so kind.

“Let’s get to sleep, we can clean up the rubbish tomorrow no getting ideas of baby shopping!! We still have 9 months to do that” Stefan giggled as he nuzzled his face into my neck, “Goodnight Baby, I love you to the moon and back” He kissed my neck than fell into a deep sleep. He’s in a deep sleep… Maybe I can get some blood then sneak back… As I slowly moved away from Stefan I looked back to see he was gone, Yep never think you haven’t woken up a vampire.. They always wake up. Shit I am an idiot some times.

As I turned back around Stefan was standing right in front of me. “You didn’t think I was actually asleep did you? Elena why were you sneaking out? I was waiting for you to mention blood instead of sneaking it” Stefan spoke looking to the floor he looked really pissed but upset at the same time, He bit into his wrist “Drink”. As I was refusing his blood Stefan shoved his wrist near my mouth his blood dripping onto my lips, I would usually be angry at him for doing something like that but his blood… it drives me insane. In a good way.

“Elena…” Stefan spoke, “Feeling better?” Stefan asked but to his shock I threw him onto the bed taking his shirt off and staring into his eyes as he smirked and kissed me taking my pants and shirt off. Stefan stopped the kiss leaving me in my bra and undies and rolled over as if he was going to sleep. I laughed at him and ripped his pants off leaving kisses all down his body. This was going to be a fun night..


Sorry my readers I am doing a little bit of editing to make the story a tad better Bonnie's POV will now be in the next chapter and it will be a short chapter dedicated to her.. Sorry for the confuion /:


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