Chapter 2- The End Is Disguised As The Start.

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April 26th 1864



Stefan’s POV

I ran off, away from Damon but as I saw Emily she knew my decision and what I was doing. She handed me this little box with some ancient engraving on it.

“You will need this Stefan! Put it on when you can’t resist the taste of blood any longer and feed on a human. You will burn if you don’t put it on!” Emily said with a serious pitch in her voice.

“Thanks for everything Emily!” I said as I ran off back to our home town. I hope Madison’s body is still there… I need to see her again. I ran back through the forest as fast as I could. It was the perfect time to think about everything that had just happened… Do I really want to become a vampire?

I stopped at the place where Mad got shot just to find her body was gone, great just my luck. I ran back to our house and grabbed some of mine and Damon’s stuff as I went to grab my stuff I saw Mad’s door open. I walked into her room to see that father already put her stuff in boxes and was obviously planning to get rid of it all.

On Madison’s bed I saw the bracelet Damon and I bought her for her birthday last year… I quickly grabbed the bracelet put it in my pocket and grabbed all my stuff. As I was leaving my room I shut the door behind me but the door was stuck on something, I opened it back up to see the present I bought Madison for her birthday in 2 days’ time, her own father killed her just before her birthday. I was a bit upset knowing that I never got the chance to give it to her, she would have loved it.  I put the present in my bag and kept going.

As I was departing the house I smelt a really appealing but different smell… I followed the scent and as I passed the mirror I saw fangs… AHUH it was blood that I could smell. As I got really close to the blood I heard father speaking on the telephone to the other council members... I decided to hide for a bit and listen to the conversation father was having.

‘Yeah all my kids were shot… Madison, Damon and Stefan. They were shot for involving themselves with vampires. I can’t believe my children were that daft to see the vampire for the evil IT was… A blood sucking demon! They needed to be taught a lesson, so I taught them. I shot my kids… Without any regrets I shot them. I shot Madison first, She was shot because she stood in front of the bullets that was meant to hit the vampire. Next came Damon he was killed almost instantly for fleeing with the vampire and Stefan died looking at Damon’s body. I did what was needed to be done.’ Father spoke.

I wanted to get him for that. You would have thought he would have at least felt the slightest bit upset with himself, knowing that he had just killed his children. I slowly appeared in his sight the look on his face was priceless. He was both shocked and scared, something he deserved to feel more of.

“Hey father how have you been lately?” I asked being a smart ass like nothing had happened.

“You should have died when I shot you… Looks like I will have to stake you right now! You demon!” Father said as he came running at me with a wooden stake. Vampire reflexes were amazing, I grabbed the stake out of his hands and stabbed it into his chest.

“That’s for killing Madison!! She was innocent you stupid bastard! She stood in front of Damon and I not Katherine! You killed your daughter for no reason!” I yelled bending fathers arm back almost breaking it.

“You all deserved to die. Its’ yours and your brothers fault for your sister’s death not mine. You were the ones who let her get caught up in your vampire nonsense!” Father laughed.

That sly comment made me lose it.  The rage built up inside of me I couldn’t take it any longer. My eyes had blood dripping down, I knew what father was saying was half true... Maybe it was my fault that Mad is dead. I bit father and drained him of almost all his blood. Hearing father scream out for help gave me this weird feeling inside… It’s like I enjoyed slowly killing my father.

I stood up and walked away leaving father on the floor slowly dying.

“Thanks father, now I am a vampire. I hope you rot in hell you sick twisted bastard!” I spoke as I turned my back and walked away.

As I left the house I reached the box out of my pocket that Emily gave to me. I opened it to find a ring, I did what I was told and put the ring on my finger. I walked outside the house and was greeted by a young girl who had come to help father clear out all of our stuff from the house.

“Hello beautiful” I smirked

“Hello... Mr….” She said sweetly

“Salvatore... I’m Mr Stefan Salvatore” I smiled as I cut her off

She gasped and started to run, I ran after her with my vampire speed and compelled her to follow me. I ran back to Damon and Emily... Damon wasn’t looking to good, Emily was by his side comforting him... He really was fighting the urge to drink blood.

“Damon, Emily I’m back.. Damon I have someone for you.” I spoke trying not to speak to loud. 

“Stefan! Why would you bring a human here! I don’t want to feed on her! And why is there blood all over your shirt?” Damon yelled as he slowly tried to sit up shortly falling back to the floor.

“I brang her here because you need to feed. You haven’t lived a full life yet. You haven’t really fallen in love, experienced life… It’s too soon for you to die. And I know you are grieving over Madison... So am I, but think of what she would have wanted us to do. She protected us from being shot for a reason... She wanted us to live not die shortly after she did. And well the blood… It’s fathers.” I spoke trying to convince Damon to keep living with me… well at least sort of living. So we can be together for many years to come. So we can be partners in crime like the old days.

Damon soon gave in and fed from the girl turning vampire with me. Now we can get our revenge on Katherine for what she has done!

“Stefan… Is father dead?” Damon asked with hope that I had finished him.

“He should be. I drained him of almost all his blood but I left some but I staked him cause he was trying to stake me.” I said as I walked over to the lake to clean all the blood off me.

Emily had sorted Damon out with a ring like mine but his had a ‘D’ in the middle of the blue stone and mine had an ‘S’ in the middle of the stone.
“Stefan and Damon… These rings are called Daylight rings. You must always wear them if you want to be able to walk in the sunlight, as soon as you take them off you burn. These are the only daylight rings you will be able to have unless you find a new witch who can cast the spell to make new ones. But only I know the spell so it’s impossible to make a new one for yourself. I must go catch up to Katherine, who knows what she has done by now. Probably killed a few innocent people… Please don’t go killing innocent people boys. Don’t turn into a version of Katherine.” Emily said kissing Damon and I on the cheek as she left.

“Thanks Emily... Thank you for everything!”

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