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[Third Person]

Jimin slowly opened his eyes from his nap and lifted up his head as he saw the sun setting. He rubbed his eyes and picked up his phone, "Ugh shit..."

Jimin sat up and pulled his hoodie over his head and called Jay. He played with the corner of his pillow while he waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Jimin, what's up?"

Jimin cleared his throat, "I'm sorry I didn't answer your call, but I was wondering if you were still up to hanging out..."

Jimin muted himself and tossed his phone on his bed while he pressed his face into his pillow, "Oh my god... what if he says no."

"Yeah sure, I'm up for it. Where should we go and when and where should I pick you up?"

Jimin coughed and quickly picked up his phone to unmute, "O-oh um, karaoke maybe? We could do it right now, and you can pick me up at the park or something."

Jimin kept fidgeting around so he stood up and walked around his room and heard Jay chuckle, "Alright I'll be over there in 10 minutes then. See you soon."

"Okay, bye..."

Jimin hanged up and jumped onto his bed and tossed around in his covers, "Holy shit... wait a minute, is this a date?!"

Jimin pulled the covers over his head and sighed, "We don't even talk or text that much... I need to stop getting my hopes up and just think of it as friends."

Jimin threw the covers off of himself and went to his closet to pick out clothing. He stood with his hand on his chin, "I don't want to dress out... what would he like?"

Jimin shaked his head and pulled something out, "Why am I even thinking about that... I need to hurry up so I'm not late."


Jimin sat near the edge of the booth and fidgeted with his fingers, he looked over at Jay. He was wearing a button down shirt and black pants with a Louis Vuitton belt.

Jimin took a deep breath and looked at Jay Park with a smile, "What are you so dressed up for?"

Jay park stood up and looked himself up and down, "I don't consider myself dressed up really, as for you though... what are you dressed up for? A black satin shirt?"

Jay park smirked and went to choose a song, Jimin felt his face turn red. He grabbed the soju bottle and drank from the bottle. He stood up and and stood beside Jay, "What song you picking?"

Jay shrugged and looked through the options, "I don't know I feel like doing any song but I don't have a song in mind that I want to do karaoke to."

Jimin drank some more of the soju and finished the bottle and set it down, "I like anything but I don't really rap, I feel like you have a good singing voice. So let's not pick a rap song."

Jay park shaked his head and reached for the remote, "Trust me I can't sing."

Jimin pulled back the remote and sat down, "Noo, come on Jay let's sing a song together. I'm sure you sing wonderful!"

Jay leaned forward and grabbed the remote, but Jimin pulled back. Jimin's face was inches away from Jay's, and he was tempted to close the gap between them.

Jimin let go of the remote and Jay backed away and smiled, "Thanks, now time to get some good music on."

Jimin sat back and felt his face was burning, he was happy the room was dark and Jay couldn't see him. Jimin opened up another soju bottled and chugged it all down.

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