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Aaliyah POV
December 15, 2018
25 weeks


As soon a I pulled into the garage Kyle pulled in right behind me.

I got out and walked into the house leaving it opens for him to walk in

"Did you make sure the gate closed" I asked as I looked back

"Yeah it did but we need to get that shit fixed cause one these days it's just not gonna close at all that other day it was just not closing that's unsafe" he said

I nodded "yeah I'll call someone"

We took the stuff out of the bags and sat down on the island. We never use the dining table unless it's a big family dinner or something.

"So I'm just gonna start- I'm really sorry Aaliyah I don't even know what came over me" he shook his head as he spoke

"Kyle I think you have a little drinking issue" i said taking a sip of my shake

"Nah it's just-" he started "no I think really might, Kyle you smell like alcohol right now I don't know where you've been staying I'm genuinely worried" I said looking at him while rubbing my belly

"I umm I've been a staying in my car I park outside of the house i just can't seem to leave I tried I got a hotel room under a different name n all that n I couldn't fall asleep so I drove over here and just slept i felt like I was still with you in a way" he said with his head down

I sighed "Kyle you can sleep here I don't want you sleeping in your car outsides that's crazy, I want you to figure out what's wrong because I want to be with you and I want to forgive you but you slapped me and it wasn't no little tap either" I said

"I know I know I can't even I just i wasn't thinking clearly" he said

"Because you were drunk" I said looking at him "I didn't tell you where I was so you hit me because you were so drunk and your brain was so fogged up you thought I was out cheating on you" I said wiping my eyes at the couple of tears that fell out

"Kyle I want to do whatever it is to help you. I miss you. You think I like sleeping alone. It sucks but I don't want live with you and be constantly scared that your going to beat me one day beat me so bad that something can happen to our baby" I said now sobbing

He looked at me and stood up wrapping his arms around me "I'm so sorry I swear I would never hurt our baby and i do regret ever putting my hands on you like that" he said into my ear

I nodded "I hope you know I'm not trying to offend you or nothing like that but Kyle honestly do you have a drinking problem" I said

He looked straight at me with his eyes watering "I think I do, Aaliyah I don't know what to do i can't control-" i cut him off and hugged him letting him cry on my shoulder "i swear ima try to stop i-i-i I'm scared of myself Aaliyah" he said now sobbing on my chest as I held his head against me

"I'm here ok we're going to get through this together ok baby I got you Kyle... I got us ok I love you" I said crying with him still holding him.

We're gonna get through this.


Awwwww my babies 😢🥺🥺🥺🥺

Kyle admitting his problem to Aaliyah.

Baby k.

Is Aaliyah being to easy on him?

Whats should be their next move?

How do you feel about this?

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