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Aaliyah POV
November 22, 2018
21 weeks, 6 days
(thanksgiving continued)

We were all ready to eat so I sat at the head of the table and Kyle sat on my right and my brother on my left.

My aunts and uncles and cousins got here like 30 minutes ago. And a couple minutes ago Pablo got here and was very talkative with my mom like nothing ever happened "You hungry mama" Kyle asked grabbing my hand (if you don't remember who Pablo is go back to chapter 15)

I nodded "yesssss im so ready for some mashed potatoes"

He laughed "of course you are"

He kissed my cheeks and gave me a plate and we walked around packing on our plates

"He's moving babe" I said feeling my baby boy move around, it felt like very strong flutters not full kicks but getting there he's getting stronger every day I can feel it.

"My boys excited to eat" he said

"Can you take my plate an I'll get us something to drink" I asked

"Yeah get me some wine and a water bottle" he said

I handed him my plate and grabbed some Dr Pepper for me and wine and a water bottle for Kyle

I walked back to the dining room setting the drinks down and sitting down myself

"Let's pray" my grandma said

I smiled as she prayed.

Once she finished we went around the room sharing something we're thankful for.

"i am great full for my family for the new family that we're becoming with Kyle's family and I am super excited and grateful for my grandson because he's coming soon and I'm very grateful for my daughter for giving me my first ever grandkid I love you all so much" my mom said

"I'm thankful that I was able to rekindle my relationship with my beautiful sister. You guys don't understand how much I missed her and regret my action I'm sorry lyly. I let other shot get to my head and forgot about family. I love you so much and I'm great full for you" my brother said smiling at me as I whispered 'I love you too' back

" well I'm grateful for all my grandkids and kids I'm grateful that we all are still together throughout all we've been through I know that we struggle because your grandfather's not here and it's hard sometimes but I'm grateful we always pull through" my grandma said

" I am grateful for my kids I'm grateful that Kyle is going to give me my first grandkid I am grateful for Aaliyah because she definitely change my son for the better. the first time I met her I fell in love with her she's like another daughter and I wish nothing but the best for you two and I am also so grateful for the family were becoming because it's only fun and wild things here on out" Karri said

"I'm grateful for everything that's happened to my family in this past year I'm grateful for my brother for my sister for my mother and my father and my new sister love you Aaliyah" Dre Kyles brother said

" i'm grateful for my new sister I'm great full for my two brothers I love them very much and im great full for my mother and my father and that we can have time like this" his sister brianna said

" i'm grateful for my kids and my future grandson and to have met you all" Kyles dad said

"I'm grateful for this beautiful woman here next to me. Super thankful to God for blessing us with a son. Who I can't wait to meet. I'm just thankful for the man he's molding me into and for the woman he chose for the rest of my life and my family I love all of you" Kyle said and me being a cry baby of course wiping my damn tears

"I'm great full for Kyle and his family and of course mine. I'm also grate full you all get along. I'm thankful for my baby boy who I'm so glad God blesses me with and for whatever the future holds for me and Kyles new family together" I said smiling


We were all eating and just talking about drama, cracking jokes.

I was on my 2 plate and getting ready for my 3rd. This baby had me ready to eat up this whole damn trey of mashed potatoes.

"I love you, you look so beautiful today" Kyle whispered in my ear making me smile and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Hey how you feel about us announcing my pregnancy" I said

"I'm down aslong as your comfortable with everyone knowing and judging and all" he said

I nodded sighing " I know that's what fucking sucks but I just don't want to keep him a secret"

"Then lets do it I'll post it first" he said I nodded seeing him looking for pictures

After everyone left me and Kyle just chilled in the living room watching Kevin heart. He's currently asleep and I'm very close to sleeping as well but I'm trying to sleep in my own bed.



"Whattt" he mumbled

"Let's go upstairs" I said getting up well trying since we decided to sit and lay on the ground.

"Ok c'mon" he got up and helped me up with him

Once we got up to our room and laid down I wrapped my legs around Kyle and got comfortable "goodnight I love you"

"I love you too now go to sleep" he said making me laugh

What Came First The Egg Or The Chicken?

On a current note;) HAPPY EASTER !! 🐣🐰

I need more comments lmao 🥵😂

I'm going to have a Instagram post semi-chapter on them announcing the pregnancy.

How was this chapter?


Kyles family?


Aaliyah's family?

Baby Kuz!!

Can we do 25 likes?🥵🥳🥳

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