Ugh fighting

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Do any of you even read my story anymore? :(

Whenever matt and I fought shit went down. It'd end with a bunch of insults then crying and we'd make up. Matt looked extremely pissed and I really wish he could understand that it was just a joke. Id never do that to him. Ever. he means way to much to me and I love him so much. I heard Matt yell saying "LEAVE ME ALONE!" and the front door slam. Instead of just standing there crying I run after him. He was about to get in the car when I ran out. I heard him mutter 'Whore' then close the car door and drive off. That hurt. A LOT. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled in anger. I called him but they were all just denied. Matt and I have been fighting A lot lately. Way too much. He's called me rude names and yelled at me for stupid reasons. Like if forget to pick something up or if when he comes back from hanging out with the guys and I don't say hi. I went back in the house and went to our room. No one dared to say anything to me. Desiree and Drew were crying. I picked up Drew and tried getting him back to sleep but nothing would work. I put him back in his crib and he slowly feel asleep. I did the same with Desiree and she was easy to put down. I went to Hazels small bed we bought at IKEA and she was sound asleep. I took off my engagement ring and put it back in the box it came in. I stuffed it in matts draw and went to sleep.


I just drove around and started thinking about everything. my angers always been getting the best of me lately and I hate it. When I called Megan a whore I completely didn't mean it. But just as I pulled out of the driveway I heard her scream that she hates me. After about 20 minutes I decide to go back to the house and try to fix things. Megan would never do anything like that, I hope. She knows how much our family means to me. she wouldn't let it go with one stupid dare. I get home and unlock the door. Everyone's sitting on the couch except Megan. Shes probably upstairs with the kids. they all look toward me and give me death glares. this is so unfair. they always stand up for Megan without even asking my side of the story. Nash walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Dude I'm so sorry man but I swear we didn't do anything I would never do that to you." he tells me. I take a deep breath and forgive him. I apologize to everyone for me going out of hand they leave after. As I walk up stairs I hear loud sobs coming from the bathroom. a few tears slipped from my eyes and I knocked lightly on the door. "megan?" I said softly. "Go away" she said in between sobs. I tried opening the door but it was locked. "Megan, baby please I'm sorry." I heard the door unlock and Megan looked at me pissed off. "Oh so you think by saying I'm sorry is going to fucking fix everything. You've called me a whore, slut, bitch, worthless, stupid, dumbass, and you want me to forgive you?!"


I was so pissed at him that I brought stuff up from our first fight. matt reached out to grab my hand but I yelled at him even more. "DONT TOUCH ME." he kept trying and I ended up hitting his chest but he just took it like a man and didn't say anything. When I was done having my tantrum matt lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Look at me, I love you and all of those things I've said were stupid and I wish I could take it back." he looked at my hands and saw that I didn't have my ring on. A tear slipped from his face, you could tell that it hurt him a lot since I'm always wearing my ring. We walked to our room and fell asleep. Lets just say we didn't fight as much after.

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