The party

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~~~~~~~~~1 WEEK LATER~~~~~~~~~
It's been a week since Matt proposed and we've all been invited to a party by Jackson. Me knowing what kind of parties he throws there is definitely going to be drugs and alcohol there. I was wearing a strapless back shirt that hugs my waist and chest, acid washed shorts, black vans, with a grey and black beanie. I walk over to Matt and he looks uneasy. "Hey it's just a party nothing's going to happen." I assure him. "Yea but I know when I see him I'm going to want to punch him for kissing you." he says to me. "Well he can't do anything now because this ring states that I'm yours." I told him giving him a kiss. About 20 minutes later everyone's ready and we leave. Before I walk out I give dani and Taylor, Hazel they didn't want to go. As soon as we got there Matt made me take off my ring so I wouldn't loose it. I slipped it in my pocket and we all went insure. Right when you step in there music blasting and people are everywhere. I feel matts hand slip out of mine and when I turn around he's gone. I feel someone tap on my shoulder and I see the one and only Jackson.
"Hey babe" he says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Hello love" I tell him giving him a hug. He starts showing me around and after awhile we start dancing. Someone offers Jackson and I a drink and we take it.
About 10 minutes later Jackson and I are grinding on the dance floor. We're completely drunk by now. He starts leading me upstairs but before I catch a glimpse of Matt looking for someone. Most likely me. Jackson pulls me into his room and a heated make out session starts. I'm straddling him on his bed and took off his shirt. when he's about to take off mine I start saying "Wait I have-" he starts kissing me but I don't stop him. After a few I'm leaning against the wall while his body's pressed up against mine. "Hold on." I say trying to get out but he starts kissing my neck. "Jackson" I moan loudly.
That's when I hear Matt right outside the door. I push Jackson off of me and run out of the room. He's there talking to carter, completely sober.
"Matt I'm so sorry one thing lead to another and" I'm sobbing into his chest and I feel like a horrible fiancé.
"Megan what happened." I pointed the room Jackson was in and Matt goes in there. I hear him yelling and I know that a fights gonna start soon. I go in the room and grab matts hand.
"Come on Matt it's not worth it." I say trying to pull him out of the room. "Let go of me." he says. His voice clearly full of anger and the look in his eyes are furious. I let scared and worried about what's going to happen next. I watch as matts fist connects against Jackson's face.
I couldn't watch this and by now a bunch of people were here. some filming and some taking sides. I push my way through the crowd and see just before Jackson punches Matt I break them up. Matt has a bloody nose and I don't want anything else to happen. I pull Matt out of the house and to the car.
Tears are streaming down my face and I don't know why. I open the trunk for Matt to sit and go get a first aid kit my parents made me carry around. He had three small cuts on his knuckles which I put hydrogen peroxide on. He winced in pain. I wipe the blood away from his nose and give him a kiss on the cheek.
After she helps me get cleaned up she reaches in her pocket and pulls out the ring.
"Here, I'm so so sorry for tonight and I understand if you don't want to get married anymore."
She places the ring in my palm and pushes my fingers to wrap around it.
By now we're both crying and I can't control it. "Megan" I barely whisper. I can't even talk at this point. She looks up at me crying.
"When I said I'd do anything to spend the rest of my life with you, I meant it" I tell her slipping the ring on her finger. She hugs me tightly and whispers in my ear "Im so sorry." I hug her even tighter and sit her in my lap. "It's okay." I tell her. I love her to much to let her go this easily.

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