Another argument

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I woke up the next day with a pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I wiped my mouth and rubbed my temple. I had a massive headache and any and every slight noise made it even worse. I got up and walked back to my room. I was having the worst hangover ever. Matt came in the room with ginger ale, and a sandwich. "Matt you shouldn't be doing this, especially after what happened last night." I tried to stop him from being so kind. "No babe it's okay I swear." he had a hint of sadness in his voice. he sat next to me and held my hand. "Was he better." I almost spit up my ginger ale "Matt," I started. "Just tell me honestly." "I didn't hook up with him we just made out." I told him and he looked a little relieved. I shuddered at the thought of hooking up with one of my old best friends. Even though I was drunk.

(A/N if you have an Instagram and want to see what Jackson looks like DM me and I'll tell you who to look up) *yes he's based off a real person*

I felt like throwing up again. so I ran to the bathroom. when I came back Matt looked confused. "That's weird, people usually only throw up once during a hangover." he told me. I shrugged and laid down. I acted like it was nothing but I was worried. I wasn't ready to take care of another kid. "Matt" I choked up. I didn't want to freak him out and have him leave again. "yea?" he asked. I just looked at him and said nothing. "Never mind" I mutter to myself. He shrugs and as I'm about to get up to go downstairs he pulls me back down to the bed and wraps his arms tightly around my waist. "You're mine. Forever." I found it really adorable how overprotective Matt was. "And you're mine Espinosa" I said giving him a peck on the cheek. "Matt" I start off again hoping that I'll speak. "Yea babe?" he asks. "What if I was-" I was cut off by someone knocking at the door. I got up and opened it. "Matt there's someone at the door for you." cam told Matt. he got up and started walking downstairs. My headache had gotten worse so I stayed upstairs. I heard yelling and the door slam. Matt came up with an angry look on his face. "Babe what's wrong?" I asked worried. "DID YOU INVITE HIM HERE?!" He yelled at me. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I yelled back. I hated when Matt yelled at me. He got angry so quickly. "THAT FUCKING DOUCHE JACKSON!" He yelled. I was furious plus the fact that he was yelling made my head hurt awfully. "YOU SERIOUSLY FUCKING THINK ID INVITE HIM HERE AFTER LAST NIGHT!" I yelled. Matts eyes softened and he looked at me. "Megan I'm sor-" he tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away. I walked out and I didn't hear anyone's footsteps behind me. I got into the car and as I was driving tears poured out of my eyes. I didn't want to fight with Matt and I hated fighting with him. When I got to a red light I got a text from Taylor
Tay Da Bae (he chose it)- Matts really upset.
He attached it with a video of Matt knocking things down with some things breaking, yelling. Towards the end he slid against the wall balling his eyes out.
That broke my heart. I cried even more.
Whenever Megan and I fought we would usually make up right after. But this time was different. I was so angry that I went crazy. I knocked down everything in our room yelling cuss words. I knew it wasn't going to help anything but that didn't really matter to me right now. When I was done I slid down against the wall crying my eyes out. I just wanted her here, with me. When I looked up I caught a glimpse of light. It was Megan's ring. I slipped it in the pocket of my basketball shorts and asked Cameron to borrow his car. He didn't let me. "Dude just let her calm down for a bit, she seemed pissed when she left." I agreed and tried calling her. They all were denied after a couple of rings. She probably hates me right now.
I know we're fighting over some stupid thing and that I left for no good reason but I'm really stressed out. Matt had no idea though. one thing none of you know is that when I was 13 I suffered from major depression. It was so bad that I couldn't go to school because I wouldn't get out of bed. I never told Matt and Allison's the only one that knows. My parents took me to therapy and gave me medication but none of it worked. So I just faked a smile and said I was doing great just so I didn't have to go anymore. They let me back in school but my grades were just averaged to c's and d's. After I met Matt my depression went away immediately. But when my grandfather died I just knew it came back. I never told anyone because I knew they'd treat me different. Everyone did after I told certain people. Lately I haven't been wanting to get out of bed and my sleep schedule isn't even a schedule anymore. I pulled up to a park and got out. I left my phone in the car and started walking towards the swings. It was nice out but no one was here. I sat down and just swing back and forth lightly thinking about everything. After about 20 minutes of just sitting there I felt someone sit next to me. I looked at her and she looked exactly how I imagined Hazel to look when she would get to this age. She looked about 5.
"Hi" I told her.
"Hello" she was adorable.
That's when her mom came up and said "Crystal what did I tell you about wandering off. I'm so sorry." she apologized. "Not its completely fine." I assured her. She went off to the other side of the park and then I felt someone else sit next to me. Of course it was Matt.

(A/N I know most of you don't read these but it's okay. So this chapter is based off of some true events. I have had depression, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder, and I'm bipolar. There's multiple disorders and other things such as certain addictions I'm not going to bring up but I want to let y'all know that I'm not getting any worse. I'm very slowly getting better. But if anything DM me if you have any problem because I love being here for all of you. You don't need to worry about me. Ill be fine I swear :) )

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