Chapter 6

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Yannis POV

"Ma'am, ma'am, can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are? Donatello snaps his fingers to get April's attention as she squints her eyes at the sudden light. I stood by them, as Raphael rested his elbow on my head. Securing me from escaping. I muttered some incoherent words and glared at his smirking eyes.

"Hey, have you seen the video where the cat plays chopsticks with chopsticks? Michelangelo obliviously asked, before getting his head pushed away by Leonardo.

"Can we focus here?" Leonardo states, as April began to regain her consciousness.

"Guys, please! Come on, give her some air." Donatello let go of her shoulder as we took a few steps back.

"Yannis?" Whispers April.

"Welcome back, Sunshine~" I smirk at her as she looks around slowly.

"What are you?" She softl6 asks looking up at all them.

"Well, Miss, uh we're ninjas." Leo put his right hand on top of his left fist, giving her a greeting gesture.

"We're mutants." Raph added, still leaning onto my head.

"Hey hands off..." I jerk his arm off me.

"Well technically we're turtles," Donnie suggested.

"Oh and we're teenagers! But we can still have… Adult conservation." Mikey explains as they began to slowly disperse.

"So unnecessary Mikey…" I rolled my eyes.

"Just trying my best here~" He shrugs.

"Wait, wait, wait… So…" April softly speaks and I help her up.

"So you're… ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers? She asks still struggling to catch her breathe, as she looks at them.

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous!" Donnie corrected and I stuff my hands into my pockets.

"See… They're looking at us like we're freaks… I bet that's why the yellow one took our picture, wasn't it?

I growled a bit and wanted to retort, when April stopped me and gave me a look to stand down. Huffing, I just look away. Pursuing my lips    and folding my arms together.

"To show your friends? Raph finishes jumping off  the edge of the building structure.

"Bro, that's a good thing! Maybe she has hot friends, like that weirdo too." Mikey points at me.

"Excuse me?-"

"Looking for this?" Raph holds up April's phone.

"No, no, no please…" April says in a slightly begging tone.

"Hey," I called out catching their attention "Don't break it," I raise my brow at him, giving him a look.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We don't break things, we fix them." Leo interrupted, taking the phone away from him.

"Donnie already wiped the phone genius. Problem solved, moving on." He proceeds to explain.

"And who put you in charge?" Mr. Grumpy questions pushing his shoulder.

"You know who did…" Mr. samurai replied lowly, getting closer to Mr. Grumpy.

"Ooh, tension~ Its been like 30 whole minuted since you guys had this argument." Mikey spreads his arms out.

"And a whole 5 minutes since you guys argued~" I added as Mikey gave me an air high five and April look at us confused.

"Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we got to hustle." Donnie recommended as now April's perplex look was towards him.

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