Chapter 4

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Third POV

"Mr. Sacks, we have to be uptown  at 7." One of his assistant information, Eric nodded and look at the girls.

"I'll see you guys on TV." He says, walking off as April smiles.

"Later Potato Sack~ and I hope ya don't-oof!" April elbowed her friend's guts as she wave the man goodbye.

"Bye Mr.Sacks!"

She then let out a heavy breathe. Looking back at the now aching Yannis, she sigh.

"Come on.... Let's go..."


"Eric Sacks was so inspiring… I know this is a story that actually matters," April was in awe as she referred to the Foot Clan cases, looking over to Vernon as he glances back.

"The superhero one? That's a good idea. I should chase that down." Sarcasm stuck on every word, he pictures it out. April's retort was abruptly cut when screams and frantic voices echoed up front. Crawling a bit closer to the windscreen, Yannis spotted citizens running out of a building.

"Yep, It's the beginning of the  end alright..." She nodded her head before slurping her Fro-Yo shake.

"Where's everyone going?" Vernon ask, with April  opening the door and unbuckling her seatbelt.

"O'Neil! Where are you going?!" He exclaims, which Yannis too was questioning. But seeing April sliding the back door open and standing right in from of her now, she gulps. "Oh boy…"

"No,no, no, no-" April pull her out of her safe haven and onto the cold pavement.

"Yan. I need back up, just in case… just in case I get in trouble." She commands dragging her up. "Aren't you always thought..." Yannis pouted.

"Haha… Do I know you? Woa-"

"Later Vernon!" April says pulling onto the reluctant Hyannis.

"April! Yannis!" Vernon's call was muted by the panicked rants  of passerby's'.

"What are we running for anyways?…" She started to whine as she hauled over steps. They proceeded to run down the abated subway until they got to the MetroCard machines. Supporting her body up, April went over it quietly while Yannis went over it, not so quietly; falling on her bottom when she tried to slide over.

Hiding behind a pole, April goes upfront before a pair of hands wrapped around her neck and she gasp, with widen eyes. Yannis was too surprise only for another to do the same on her. The soldiers, suited fully in black, forcefully took them down to the train area, where all of the other citizens were held captive at gun points.

"Keep your hands where I can see them!" One orders, roughly pushing them to the tiled flooring. April look over to Yannis, who shakes her head.

"But Yannis…" She whispers out and her. companion kept on disagreeing.

"You'll only get us sandwich. Neil!" She whispers a yell and April bit her lips.

Without a word, she fishes out her phone as both of them lied on the floor.

"Neil… Don't you-"

"Just one little picture…"


"Nobody move!" One of the members yells out, as Hyannis sigh in frustration. Her Fro-Yo bottle crunched as her hands clench into a fist.

"We know you're out there!" A woman yells out, looking around.

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