Te amo

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“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

― John Green


“ No.”

“ Why Liam, please.”

“ No, I’m not watching Divergent with you.”

“ Its not as bad as you think.”

He gave me a look, “ oh Liam lets watch the notebook, it has all kinds f action in it.”

I gave him a sheepish smile, “ at the end they died so that's action right.”

He gave me a glare, “ they died peacefully not tragically.”

“ Oh please Liam, if this is not what you like, I'll do what ever you want.”

He raised an eyebrow at me.

“ Really?”

“ Really, now watch.”

“ Wait what's of it's something I want you to do without bribe me?'

“ Liam?”

“ Go back home.”

“ What?”

“ Go home Kate. It time you went back home.”

He is really asking for me to go back home. After what happened.

“ Kate, come on. You never really told me why you stayed with us. Never going back home.”

I turned away from him. He sighed, “ fine I'll watch the movie with you.” He but the movie in and sat next to me. I never did tell him what happened that made me hide from home. Never giving it a second glance. The movie started and we watched in peace.

Soon the movie was over. “ Okay I have to admit, that was awesome. Maybe I should change me name to a number. Would you like that Kate?”

I stayed quiet. “ Kate?”

I sighed, “ his name was Ryan.”

Liam nodded and he knew I was about to open up to him more.

“ We hated each other at first. I couldn’t stand him, he couldn’t stand me. We were in different social groups. He was the star quarterback and I was the geek. Nerd. The one left behind. Then the girls moved to town and soon I was on top. Everyone noticed me, especially Ryan. Madeline had liked Ryan first and Ryan behind the dumb jerk he was before, asked me out. Just to get back his ex-girlfriend, Lexi. Lexi was the head cheerleader, beautiful, blond and was dating Ryan. They had been in an off and on relationship for sometime.” I sighed and look at liam with tears in my eyes.

“ That day when he asked me out, I said yes. He told me he would go out with Madeline. But that never happened, because I soon fell in his spell. I had kissed him that day of the date and Sky had seen us.”

“ What happened to Madeline?”

“ I thought she would've been heartbroken, but she wanted me to go and date him. So I did and we feel in love. We had fight here and there, but we loved each other. I need him as much as he needed me. Then it all fell apart. I went to the X-Factor. The week I came back from there. Ryan had texted me.” I took a deep breath.

“ He was driving, he told me he wasn't.” tears fill ed my eyes, “ and we texted until I was going to bed. We have this thing before we go off to bed. We say I love you to each other. He didn’t send one back to me. The I love you never came.” Tears rolled down my face.

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