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2 months later

This had been the moment everyone had been waiting for. Creed vs Drago Part 2. A lot has happened in the last 2 months. Adonis went and trained in Mexico for awhile directly after his first sons birth. Elisia Alvarez is slowly making her way back into the music industry. She released two singles, one called "Mama's Hand" and another called "Believe in me" (Mama's hand by Queen Naija and Believe in me from Star) Both songs have been doing really good so far. Not only that, she publicly squashed her beef with Bianca with a song called "Spotlight" (again from Star) which is also going pretty well. Fans are very happy that the two have settled their problems and became friends again. Now we get to the moment we have all be waiting for, the final fight.

Adonis P.O.V

I tell myself f I'm not nervous and that I'll be fine. But deep down, I'm scared as hell. Im scared that I might die. That or I'll lose. Which will show that all the training, preparing for this and the pithing myself harder, was all for nothing. I want this fight to be the best fight I ever had. I want this fight to be one of the many reasons I'm remembered. This is more than a fight to me. It's redemption for me and my father. My father died at the hands of Ivan. It makes my blood boil at the sight of him and his son. This is the fuel to my rage. Thinking about that makes me upset and gives me more of a reason to fight him again. I want to redeem myself and my father. This one is for him.

I begin to fight off the nerves the closer we get to beginning the fight. This time Elisia will be walking out with her new song "I will go to war". She comes closer to me before it's time to go.

"You got this. I'll be by your side no matter what. Win or lose, you will always have me. You have your mom by your side. We're both here to support you and only you. Everything that has happened, everything you've trained for, everything you've prepared for, has lead to this moment. When you feel like youre down and out for the count, think of your kids and who you're fighting for. Your father. Think of how proud he is of you just by taking this fight on again. I believe he would be very proud of you whether you win or lose. You have this in the bag Donnie." She takes my hand and we share a quick kiss before it's go time. She really has a way with her words.

We begin to make our way to the entrance. My heart begins to beat faster and faster. I can hear and feel all the sounds around me. I get more and more nervous each step I take. I hear Elisia take a deep breath and that's just about the last thing I heard before its go time. She begins to sing the lyrics.

Ran the whole way
Ran the whole thing
Never ran away
Never been afraid
Never goin' to break
Never halfwayI don't know if I can take it
I can't take it, I can't take it anymore
I don't know if I can do it
If it wasn't for who I do it for

I follow closely behind her. I have my hood up and my head low. Im getting myself into the zone. I can hear the crowd booing me as I walk past them. I try to keep focus on my one and only goal, beat this man's ass.

Doesn't make sense but it makes dollars
Doesn't make sense but it makes dollars
And I wanna spend it all on you
Against the world but I'm with you
I will go to war

The songs almost over. Im very close to the ring at this point. The crowds boo's get louder and louder. I keep to myself and keep my poker face. In reality, I'm still nervous as fuck. I finally take my step into the ring.

Don't let you down (Don't let you down)
Won't let you down (Won't let you down)
I will go to war (I will go to war)
I will go to war (I will go to war)
Don't let you down (Don't let you down)
Won't let you down (Won't let you down, down)
I will go to war (I will go to war)
I will go to war

I hear Elisia finish her song and I watch her head to her seat next to my mother. Rocky takes my robe off and gives me the same old same old. But I really needed it.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" He puts his hand on my shoulder. "It Ain't How Hard You Hit...It's How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward!" He begins to take off my robe and tighten my gloves a little bit more. "Remember kid, It's one step at a time, one punch at a time" (all quotes are the creed franchise. I don't own these quotes) His speech got me pumped up and ready. That was exactly what I was looking for. That was the motivation and speaking I needed before this match. I walk towards the center of the ring where I face him again. He may be bigger than me but, we all know size don't always matter. I can take him on. he referee gives his rules and regulations but I don't really care. We both have very stern faces. We're basically giving each other death glares instead of listening to the ref. We don't even hear him telling us to touch gloves. We touch gloves and the match is soon to begin.

Elisia P.O.V

 I saw a really quick prayer before the match starts. I see them touch gloves and walking back to their corners when I look up. I'm worried for Donnie. I do believe he can fight this man and win. But what if what happened two his father happens to him? Where would I be without him? He's my light, my pride, my joy, my husband for god sake. I can't help but worry about him. I the thought stop when I hear the bell ring signifying the start of the match.

Everything is going good for the most part. Adonis is taking a few hits and giving some good ones right back to Draco. I cheer for him every time he does good and try too uplift him every time it looks like he's not feeling it. At the moment, the match was going in Adonis' favor. Up until the moment Drago strikes him I his ribs again. With more force than the last. I see Adonis fall to the ground and its like my world stops. All the lights go out, I hear nobody, I only see a spotlight, the ring, and Adonis laying down on it. I see him there. I worry for him. I want to hop over the gate and go straight to him. I want to hold him and just throw the whole match. But I don't. I just stand to the sides and shout, demand and say to him all while crying "Get up Donnie! Come on! Show these people you are better than before! Remember all the things you did for this! the sacrifice! Come on Donnie!" After a few second, he stands up and goes back to his corner. I can see him spit up the blood. I'm a bit thankful cause it at least means he's alive. I see him and Rocky go back and forth for a bit. I sense that they are arguing whether to throw the match or no. Tony jumps in eventually and they come to an agreement. They keep the fight going.

It's the final round. It's getting pretty intense here. Blow after blow, punch after punch, hit after hit, my heart races a whole lot faster than before. Donnie barley hanging in there, but I see there is something wrong with Drago. After he started losing, his game face started to drop. It became more of a sad puppy dog face. Thats when I realized, his mom was there and had left him again. His father must have noticed this defeat and threw in the towel as Adonis was just pummeling him with Punches. The very few people that were there supporting Adonis, erupt with cheer as do me and Mary-Anne. We celebrate in the gates as we're let out and join them in the ring. He gives me the tightest hug ever even though he just got out the fight of his life. The confetti canons and fireworks go off. We all celebrate coming off the biggest victory for us. Were all living it up in the moment.

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