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Adonis P.O.V
Tonight is the night. I am finally going to go fight Drago for the first time. I have to admit, I am very nervous. I don't have Rocky in my corner, but I do trust Tony with my life. I believe he can take me to the end and help me beat him. I also have Elisia in my corner backing me up. She may not be there 100% but she is still here to support me. She cups my face and says "you got this. I believe in you more than any one person in this very room. Keep in your mind what Rocky told you and what Tony told you. You can beat this guy anytime of the day. No matter how big he his" we touch forehead as she hold my gloves. We begin to pray. Cause I'm really going to need it. "Dear father God we ask you that you help and protect this man as he goes out fight..." Anything after that kind of goes to a blank. My mind keeps going to me losing and what will happen after if I do. I try to keep the positive mentality but, I'm really scared. I never ever admit I'm scared and I don't want to start now. I gotta keep the tough guy image of I wanna win this fight. "...In Jesus name, Amen" those words bring to reality. Tony steps in the room and motions me to get ready. Elisia steps out the room and goes to take her seat. It's time to show the world I can beat him.

*After the fight cause whew Chile I can't describe that shit at all😭 but y'all know he got his ass BEAT!🤦🏾‍♀️😭*

Elisia P.O.V
I sit in his hospital room watching. I knew this was going to happen. He has a few broken ribs and a ruptured kidney. The doctors said he should be fine with the morphine and time will heal him. I am really stressed about him. Seeing him in pain is nothing to be taken lightly. I don't know how Bianca did it. Speaking of her, I have the rights to my song, recorded the song and she is being sued💅🏽. Plus all of the fans agree I sang it way better than her and that's facts💯. But enough about her. The doctors tell me he has a visitor and I see it's Rocky. I pull him aside.

"Hey. He isn't in the best state as he hates me seeing him like this. So if he gets a little upset, just know it's not your fault"

"Yeah I know. He keeps his emotions all bottled up and refused to let them out. It's bad for him"

I sigh "I just wish he didn't" I lead him into the room where he was. "Donnie look you have visitor. It's Rocky" he turns slowly because he still have a little bit of pain.

"Man what are you doing here?"

"Adonis" I try to stop him before taking gets any worse.

"Man you weren't here for me. Is this what you wanted? To see me laid up the hospital bed"

"Adonis he wants to fix his ways"

"Im really sorry Donnie. I should've been there for and did better. I should've helped you through it."

"I sit taking your sorry"

"Adonis Creed"

"Listen, I don't want to see you no more. You left me like you left your own son"

"ADONIS CREED" I shouted loudly. We got a few looks from the other people there. I see a face of hurt and pain on Rocky's face.

"It's fine Elisia. He's right anyway. I'm just going to go now" I watch him leave and I sigh. I put face in my hands and sit next to him. I put my hand on his cheek and try to comfort him.

"Listen" I am now whispering at this point. "We got this. No matter how far we go and no matter what in store for us, we got this together. We do everything together, alright? We talk it out instead of getting angry." I move my hand to his. "We got this" he slowly turns his head away from me and to the TV. This was going to be a long time for us.

1 weeks later (I'm writing a letter nightly if you get this I love you)
Donnie gets discharged today. The nurses and doctors try to help him, but he refused help as always. We get him down stairs and to the exit doors. Paparazzi is everywhere with there flashing cameras. I give him his sunglasses and we put the on to avoid flash. One security is pushing him in his chair as the other three are around usaking a way for us to get through. We reach the car, and again, is refusing help and refusing to talk.

"Alright you gotta talk at some point and it can't be 'no'." He continues to look out window and ignores me. I would hit him put he's in enough pain already.

We make it home and he is limping everywhere. I try to help him,but as always, he says no. I see a gift package in floor. "Who's it from?" I ask Adonis as I walk to put the keys down. He picks up the package and limps to our kitchen island.

"I don't know"

I gasp and look him with shock "your using your words" I saw with so much sarcasm. He cracks a little smile as he tries to hold in the laughter. I begin to cook breakfast for us. Elaine is with Mary-anne for the week as I will take care of Adonis for a while. He wraps his hands around my waist. His hand on my belly.

"In a couple of weeks we will soon find out we are having a girl." He rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Correction, we are having a boy" I flip the pancakes. "I already had one girl, it's time for a boy"

"The doctors say if I have a boy, were all going to die" I start dying laughing. He cracks a small smile.

"Your funny. And remember our bet at the gender reveal. $100 and whatever the other person wants"

"Yeah yeah whatever you say" he sits down at the island and I pass him his plate. I sit next to him and both begin eating. We try to eat without chocking because whenever we look at each other, we start to laugh. I try to enjoy this moment as much as I can, because I know from now on, I won't be getting one like this a really long time.

Merry Christmas yall🎄

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