Ella begins (Part 1)

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A/N There will be a lot of time skips in this chapter

It is the end of the shift and despite the fact that I am tired I have decided to go out with my brother, Gavin, Hen, Buck and Eddie. We are at one of the more popular spots. It is a little busier than I would have liked but it doesn't matter. It just means that we'll have to be careful when we leave.

"So Gavin, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself," Eddie remarks as he passes our respective drinks. I find myself subtly nodding at Gavin. He is not exactly the best at talking to people. I can't blame him after all ASD makes communicating harder for him.

"I'm a structural engineer. There really isn't much to talk about in regard to my job. I'm just a glorified editor. Anyway, what happened to your wrist, Ella?" Gavin deflects the attention to me. It is the classic sign that he is not really in the mood to be the centre of attention. Again I can't blame him.

"Cliffside rescue gone wrong. I already told you," I respond. I notice Gavin wince. I get a giggle out of that reaction. Unlike me he has no interest in the action that happens so I spare him the details.

"Eddie, why don't you tell us how you became a firefighter?" I turn my attention to Eddie. I want to know more about the new guy since my life might be in his hands one day.

"no, you first," Eddie counters. Smart. I notice that Buck's face has perked up. To be honest, Buck doesn't know my back story yet. Which is odd considering the fact that we have been working together for a couple of years now.

"Are you all right with me telling them, Gavin? "I ask. Since it is a sensitive story for Gavin I don't want to tell it without his permission.

"Go for it," Gavin responds. With his permission, I get to work on telling the story of how I joined station 118.

Right now I am struggling to concentrate. I have a lot of work to do. I am currently trying to get through my last year of Med School. It turns out that I have overestimated how hard it really is. Not that it matters as I choose Med School. To be honest I am thinking of becoming a paramedic so I can still use my medical knowledge to do some good. It is something that I have been wrestling with for the past few months. I put my pen down as my nose is hit by the smell of one of my favourite foods.

"dinner's ready," My dad calls out. Finally, I am quick to join him in the dining room. The table is adorned with food.

"How's the study going?" Gavin asks.

"It's going so badly that I think I'm going to flunk Med School and become a paramedic. Just so long as you're happy with that Dad," I responded. Thankfully My Dad seems to consider the idea.

"Do whatever makes you happy. Just don't join me at station 110," My Dad gives me the go-ahead. With that out of the way, we tuck in. It is the day after and I am heading to the campus for one of my practical lessons. Time seems to slow down as the car a couple of cars down from me gets sideswiped. I pull over since there is nowhere for me to go. I notice that one of the passengers has been thrown from the car. My medical training kicks in as I make a beeline for the woman.

"Ok I have to apply pressure to the laceration," I mutter as I psych myself up. The woman is in a bad way. That makes sense. I grab a handful of gauze from my first aid kit. I use it to apply pressure to the wound. Now for the hard part. Waiting. As soon as the paramedics arrive I yell to get their attention.

"Over here," I yell as loud as I can.

"OK, ma'am we've got it from here," The paramedic announces as he joins me alongside the woman. With that out of the way I leave. After a six-hour long day at med school, I am finally home. I flop on the couch. Time for the daily debrief. It is something that my dad started one day when he is not on duty.

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