Future tense

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It has been a week since then and for some reason, everything has been smooth sailing. Since the landslide, it's mostly been about cleaning up. A part of me knows that the peace isn't going to last. That is the annoying part of the job. Right now I am making sure that the ambulance is good to go. To my surprise, the B shift has left a lot of stuff. That can only mean one thing the B shift had a quiet day. At least that makes the start of my morning easier. Before I have the chance to join the others the signal bell goes. With that, I put my clipboard down and make a beeline to the driver's seat. After a nine-minute drive, we made it to a modern-looking house. As I leave the ambulance I notice Eddie passing Buck a tool. With the tool in his hand, Buck looks like he is ready to do some damage. We soon approached the door. After exchanging glances Bobby rings the doorbell.

"LAFD," Bobby adds for good measure.

"Dispatch said the patient is unconscious," Buck remarks. He is clearly confused.

"Well they also said it was a smart home," Bobby answers as I glance up at a camera. After a second the door opens.

"Welcome Los Angeles Fire Department," A robotic voice announces. I find myself glancing at Hen. She seems a little disturbed by the fact that A smart home system knew to let us in. It is a weird situation. Well, at least Buck didn't have to break the door down.

"Am I the only one who's creeped out by this?" Hen asks.

"Nope," I say as we put on our masks as we enter the house. The problem with technology is the fact that it can be used for nefarious purposes. I get the feeling that it is the case here. After a few seconds, we made it to the bathroom where we are greeted by the sight of what can only be described as a collapsed tomato of a person.

"Let's see what we've got," Bobby gives Hen and I the go-ahead to do our jobs. We quickly get to work on assessing the victim.

"What are his vitals?" Bobby adds for good measure.

"His pulse is steady and his scalp is lacerated. I'd say he has a concussion," Hen announces. She is not happy. I can't blame her.

"Anthony, can you hear us?" I ask. As expected I didn't get a response.

"He has first-degree and possibly second-degree burns. I can't be sure until we get him to the hospital. He is hypovolemic. I'll start a line in his ankle," I confirmed the plan. Before I get to work both Bobby and I notice something strange.

"There is still shampoo in his hair. That means he was still showering when this happened. So who turned the water off?" Bobby asks, turning his attention to the information pad. It reads shower complete, have a nice day. Since no one else is here that can only mean someone has hacked into Anthony's home system. It is really turning into one of the weirdest days I've had at work. Eddie and Buck disappear while Hen and I get to work on getting an IV line established. Luckily for us, it is an easy job. After thirty seconds of waiting Buck and Eddie come back with the gurney.

"Lift on three. One, two, Three," I give the orders just before we lift. As soon as we begin to push the gurney a groan falls from Anthony's mouth.

"Anthony, it's ok. You fell in the shower. Luckily we were able to find you in time," Bobby remarks. To be honest I am convinced that there is more to the story but I am going to let it slide as Anthony will be ok now that he is finally on the way to the hospital.

"How?" He is clearly confused. I can't blame him as he was alone when the accident happened.

"Your girlfriend called 911," Bobby responds. It is at that moment he starts panicking. It hits me. It wasn't his girlfriend that called it in. It was a vengeful ex. She must have used the house against him.

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