An intense rescue

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It has been a few weeks since then and thanks to some help from Bobby I have managed to work through my fears. Sure they still linger at the back of my mind however I know that I will be prepared for whatever life throws our way. As Bobby said we lose people. The trick is not to lose ourselves. Right now I am trying to choose a wedding venue with some help from Howie, Hen and Buck. It is proving to be a little difficult as I want a simple wedding but Buck wants to make it an event. I think I am starting to become a bridezilla already and we are nowhere near the date of our wedding.

"Honestly Buck I think a simple wedding would be better as that means we can spend more money on our honeymoon," I stand my ground. If last year is anything to go by I am going to need an extended honeymoon.

"She is right," Hen backs me up.

"But it would be nicer for us to splash out on the wedding itself. It is supposed to be our special day," Buck counters as he shuffles through countless brochures. It looks like we are both stressed about it.

"Look, guys, why don't you do what Bobby and Athena did?" Howie Suggests. I can feel my eyebrow raise.

"What do you mean by that," I ask.

"They asked the venues for a sample of wedding cake and the one with the best cake won. That's how they choose," Howie explains. I sigh as this is going nowhere fast. The wedding can't come soon enough. We are soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Howie excuses himself. After a couple of minutes, he comes back with a guest. Howie seems surprised.

"So... Everyone, this is my younger half-brother Albert. Albert these people are Ella, Buck and Hen," Howie makes the required introductions. He looks like he has seen a ghost. I will have to ask him about it later. Howie is quick to explain what we are doing here. Albert seems embarrassed.

"I can go if I am interrupting," Albert responds.

"Honestly I could do with as much help as I can get," I say. Yes, I am trying to rope a stranger into helping me. Before you can ask it is due to the fact that he is Howie's brother. He might have better insight into how we can go about getting married. He wouldn't have the backstory so he will hopefully have an open mind. It has been a couple of weeks since then and a lot has happened which has derailed our wedding planning entirely. Right now we are on our way to a call.

"So the mother says she called for her son and he never came back?" I ask to make sure I have the right idea of what's going on.

"Yes." Bobby confirms. Since I'm not needed in the ambulance I am riding in the truck. It's only when we find the boy that I will be needed in the ambulance. After a tense nine minutes, we made it to a semi-rural property. It is big. As soon as our boots hit the ground Bobby gives us our orders. The others have already begun their search however I have noticed something odd about the garden bed aside from it being bone dry. There is a rusted piece of metal that has been snapped in half.

"CAPTAIN OVER HERE," I yell at the top of my voice to grab their attention. There is no point in using the radio yet. With that, the others make a beeline towards me.

"What have you found?" Bobby asks.

"The boy fell down a well," I say as I lay myself down. Buck passes me a torch so that I can see down the well. I shine it down to reveal a mop of back hair on top of a blacked face. I notice that he is shivering ever so slightly. The water must be cold. After informing Bobby of the situation he gets to work on making plans. After what feels like an eternity we have come up with a plan. Now we need to execute it. That will be the long part. We need to make a parallel tunnel then we need to dig across. The good thing is we have established communication with the boy. Right now Eddie and I are debating as to who should go down.

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