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It has been a few weeks since then and it has been peaceful. It is because Bobby gave Howie a few weeks off to spend some time with his daughter and my niece Jee-Yun. Don't get me wrong I miss having him around but he was way too stressed about becoming a father. I can't exactly blame him as it is a lot of responsibility right now I am making sure the ambulance is good to go for the day. I am working with Eddie today which is a little weird as normally Hen would be here in Howie's place however she told Bobby she needed the day off to sort something out with the child protection services in regards to her foster daughter Nia. There is also something else at the back of my mind. The wedding is only two weeks away. Buck and I managed to invite everyone we could. Unfortunately for me, my dad's side of the family is unable to make it due to the pandemic.

"Something is bothering you," Eddie observes as he passes me some gauze.

"I don't want to talk about it," I dodge the topic as there is nothing that anyone can do. Luckily for me, the venue owner offered to stream the ceremony so that they don't miss it. Eddie gives me a funny look.

"But-," Before Eddie can probe, the signal bell rings. After twelve minutes of driving, we made it to the scene and we were met by a boy who was panicking.

"I was jumping on the trampoline and some springs came off," The boy explains as he shows us to his mother.

"And it almost killed me," his mum chimes in.

"Ok. Let's see what we've got," Bobby announces as we move to assess the damage.

"It looks like she is pinned in two places. Let's go," Bobby gestures for Eddie and I to get to work. As we approach I give her the obvious warning not to move.

"Any movement will not be good," I end my mini rant. The thing is the spring is way too close to the spine for comfort.

"It must have been travelling at top speed. It put a hole through her hand and her torso," Eddie confirms as he takes a look. It seems as if we have another near-miss case. The woman lets out a pained groan.

"Is she going to be ok?" The boy asks. His panic is only growing. I can't blame him as this is a rather delicate situation.

"Give us some space. We are going to take good care of your mum. I promise," Bobby gets to work on reassuring the kid.

"Can you move your fingers?" Eddie asks. Well her answer can mean the difference in how we treat her.

"I think so," The woman answers before moving her hand ever so slightly.

"That's good. It looks like the spring missed the tendon. There are no signs of nerve damage," Eddie confirms as I double-check her vitals. The woman mutters something about her selfie hand. At that moment I realised we were dealing with a mummy vlogger. That would explain why her son is perfectly dressed. Honestly, I wish people would stop bothering as nothing is perfect.

"Her pulse is slightly elevated but her BP's normal. Miracualsy she is stable. I'm getting bilateral breath sounds. The spring didn't puncture her lungs but it is dangerously close to her spine. I can pack the sound but I don't know how to detach her from the barn. That is if we even can," I give my report. It seems as if Bobby already has an idea.

"We don't. We transport her with it. Donkey and all," Bobby confirms before realising that someone is missing.

"Where's Buck?" He adds as Eddie and I finish packing the wounds. I glance over to find that he is explaining the circular saw to a group of kids. Bobby quickly tells Buck off. I get a slight giggle as Buck has always been good with kids. He quickly excuses himself. While we waited for him I decided that I was going to get my answers as to whether or not our victim is a mummy vlogger.

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