Family drama

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It has been a couple of weeks since the tsunami hit and the team is dealing with the aftermath of an apartment gas leak. Right now I am with Bobby and we are trying to work out where exactly the leak is coming from and how bad it really was. Unfortunately, it was hard to tell when I was tending to the patients. Most of them were incoherent.

"All of the patients say that the gas was leaking from this pipe," I explain to Bobby as we arrive at the pipe.

"But none of them can remember exactly where," Bobby finishes my sentence. Before you can ask I am here because the first patient that I talked to was the one that told us where the leak came from. Well almost. He could tell us where the pipe was. My eyes are drawn to the smallest crack in the pipe.

"Bobby I think I've found what we are looking for and it's not up to code," I say directing him to the spot.

"You've made my job easier Ella," The voice doesn't belong to Bobby. I turn around to find Buck standing behind us. He is rocking the dress whites. It's just a pity that he is stuck behind a desk. The thing is I know for a fact that Buck is able to come back to full duties. I find it odd that he is standing in front of us as a safety inspector. I'll just have to find out from Bobby why he's not back at the 118.

"Call it curiosity. Anyway, you have reports to write," I tease. After ten more minutes of looking Buck and I part ways. For some reason, he felt off. I don't know if it was my teasing or the fact that he is on desk duty. After an awkward ten-minute drive we made it back to the fire house. As soon as I get to the kitchen I get to work on making myself a cup of tea. I don't know why seeing Buck as a safety inspector is bothering me but it is. It makes no sense given the fact that the doctor has given Buck the all-clear to go back to full duties. There must be something going on.

"Is that Lavender that I smell?" Howie remarks as he joins me.

"Yup," I respond.

"You only have Lavender when there is something bothering you. What's wrong?" Howie checks on me. The thing is he is right. There is something bothering me but I can't do much if my hunch is correct.

"Well...I believe that Buck is being held back from full duties because someone in the chain of command is preventing him and the only person with the authority to do that at this point is Bobby," I explain my dilemma. Firefighting means everything to Buck and I can see what the effect of his not being here has on him. He is driving me crazy as Buck is someone that craves action. It is at that moment I decide that I am going to do something stupid for the man I love.

"Chim I'm going to confront Bobby. Wish me luck," I say as I pour myself a cup of tea. With my tea in hand, I head to Bobby's office. I notice that he is not there however the door is open. The temptation to go snooping is real. Even though I want to I can't. The idea was to confront Bobby, not snoop.

"Can I help you, Ella?" Bobby announces his presence.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. Why aren't you letting Buck return to full duties?" I ask as Bobby opens the door for me. I take a seat as Bobby contemplates his answer. I put my cup of tea down before I do any damage.

"I'm going, to be honest with you. I am worried about Buck throwing another clot. That means I can't guarantee his safety," Bobby gives me the political answer. At least I am able to confirm my suspicions.

"The Doctor cleared him a week ago. There is no reason for you to prevent Buck from joining the 118," I make my point clear.

"Besides light duties are a mental nightmare for Buck. He is driving me crazy," I add. I just hope that I can appeal to Bobby's fatherly side. Bobby seems to consider what I am saying.

The Nature of the Emergency (Evan 'Buck' Buckley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now