Double Trouble

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"Mom, I'm home!" Charlotte yelled as her and her friend entered the house. Charlotte and MacKenzie were paired up for a book project for school and had to work on it together. They were friends but not super close. Charlotte was the one that had volunteered to have a study session at her house knowing her mom would be okay with it.

The two entered the kitchen to see Charlotte's mom had fixed them up two mugs of hot cocoa. "Thought you girls might want somethin' warm. It's ice cold out there! I probably should have picked you two up at the bus stop," Carrie admitted.

"It's fine, Mom," Charlotte replied. "This is Kenzie by the way."

"It's nice to meet you Kenzie," Carrie smiled over to the teen brunette.

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Underwood," Kenzie exchanged smiles.

"Oh please call me Carrie," Carrie begged. "Anyways, you're welcome to stay the night if you girls need the extra time to study."

"Thanks, but my dad said that he would pick me up after his date tonight," Kenzie replied. "Hopefully he dumps his stupid girlfriend off at her house before he does or I will literally walk myself home."

Charlotte giggled, "Is she really that bad?"

"Oh ya," Kenzie nodded. "She can't even remember my name. She won't last long if you ask me."

"Tell me about it," Charlotte replied. "Every boyfriend my mom goes through, they either call me 'bud' or 'kiddo.' They definitely wish I was nonexistent."

"Hey now, that's not all true," Carrie spoke up.

"So is," the daughter retorted. "Every guy you've dated just has an interest to get in your-"

"Charlotte Marie," Carrie scolded.

"Sorry, Mama," Charlotte blushed.

"How 'bout you and Kenzie go work on your guys' project," Carrie suggested.

The two girls finished their cocoa and made their way upstairs to Charlotte's room with their backpacks in hand. Carrie was left mortified over what her only child was about to say. The more Carrie thought about it though, the more it appeared to be true. Carrie erased her thoughts as she decided to start on a load of laundry.

It was around eight o'clock when Carrie was watching an old episode of Walking Dead while eating junk food when the doorbell rang. She got up to answer it to unveal a hot brown haired blue eye muscular prince that Carrie could not stop gazing at.

"Um hey, I'm MacKenzie's dad," he spoke hesitantly.

Carrie broke out of her trance and blushed, "Oh, come on in. I'll get her."

The father stepped into the foyer with Carrie not being able to stop staring at the most beautiful lady he had ever laid eyes on. Her gorgeous long blonde hair was braided perfectly and her makeup was done simple. Even in just a crew neck and sweatpants, the father had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life.

"Kenzie, your dad's here!" Carrie yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Charlotte and MacKenzie walked out of Charlotte's bedroom and looked at the single mother and single father from the bottom of the stairs. "Can we have like fifteen more minutes, Mama?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't care but Kenzie's dad might-"

"No, it's fine," Kenzie's father cut the blonde beauty off.

"Thanks, Dad," Kenzie said.

The girls went back to Charlotte's room while the parents were left awkwardly in the middle of the foyer. "Um, you can come sit in the living room," Carrie spoke up quietly turning every shade of pink that was possible.

"Ya sure," Kenzie's dad nodded following the mother. "I'm Mike by the way."

"Carrie," Carrie replied. They entered the living room to the sight of a blanket and pillows thrown across the couch with a bucket of ice cream laying on the hassock as a barking Ace jumped at their feet. It was the sight of one of Carrie's lonely Walking Dead marathon nights.

Carrie panicked at the sight. She quickly wrapped up the blanket and put it in the chest of blankets next to the TV and quickly grabbed the ice cream bucket to put it away in the kitchen.

"Sorry about the mess," Carrie said.

"Oh it's fine. My house is ten times worse," Mike told her assuring her it was okay.

"Would you like some hot cocoa? I'm making myself some," Carrie asked.

"Um, sure," Mike nodded.

It was a bit quiet while Carrie fixed up another batch of cocoa. Mike broke the silence, "So you know Mark Childers, right?"

"Ya, he's my bass player and his wife is my best friend," she answered.

"Awesome," Mike said. "Mark's one of my best friends. We met at a charity event a couple years ago."

"I thought I've heard your name before," Carrie recognized. "Wasn't it at one of the ACM Lifting Lives events?"

"Ya!" Mike replied.

"I was there to help with my church," Carrie mentioned.

"Oh cool," Mike nodded. "What church do you go to?"

"Brentwood Baptist," Carrie answered.

"MacKenzie and I just moved here a couple of months ago and one of the things I've been trying to do is find a good church for both of us to go to," Mike informed.

"Oh, well I like it a lot there. Both of you should join Charlotte and I sometime," Carrie suggested.

"That sounds great," Mike replied. "MacKenzie could use some good friends where we just moved. She's been having trouble making any."

"Well, MacKenzie is welcomed over here anytime she wants," Carrie offered. "Charlotte's a bit shy to some people so she doesn't have many friends either."

"It's tough being in high school anymore," Mike said.

"Ya making new friends seems like the toughest thing in the world to Charlotte," Carrie agreed.

With that, the girls came down the stairs as MacKenzie carried her backpack. They found their parents talking to each other on the couch.

"Ready to go?" Mike asked his daughter.

"Yup," MacKenzie replied shortly. "Thanks for letting me come over Miss U- I mean Carrie."

"Anytime, sweetheart," Carrie said sweetly.

"Nice meeting you, Carrie," Mike said.

"You too," Carrie replied.

"Bye, Kenzie," Charlotte waved.

"Bye, Charlie," Kenzie waved back.

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