46. Does Bruno Mars Is Gay?

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In literally any other universe, me helping Felicia out with her little familial issue meant that she would stop fucking about, but that was clearly not how it worked in Felicia's world. Or well, perhaps something got lost in the translation. I genuinely wondered what went on inside her head sometimes. She was quick to point out to anyone who was willing to listen that Ash was actually her boyfriend and that she wasn't cheating on him, as the gossiping suggested, trying so hard to show that she was not a terrible person, yet... a week later, she started showing signs of bitchiness again.

I looked on with great disappointment as she made snide remarks to her friends about a girl's mismatched clothing and even worse, a guy's extra few pounds, but I didn't make an effort to correct her behavior anymore. I'd tried. And failed.

But I would not tolerate her scornful comments when it came to my friends.

It was easy for me to respond calmly and put her in her place, but Leslie was not equipped to deal with that. Tamara and I were coming out of a class when I saw Leslie leaning against her locker at the other end of the hallway, with Felicia standing in front of her. The taller blonde tossed her hair over her shoulder and said something to my friend, and I could tell that she was far from amused. She frowned up at Felicia and licked her lips, which she only did when she wanted to say something but didn't know what because she was too shocked to think of anything.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," I muttered to Tamara.

I hurried to go over, but by the time I'd reached them, Felicia had already started walking away, so I called after her, "Hey, come back here!"

She didn't respond.


She turned around and pointed a finger at herself. "Me?"

"Yes, you fucking rat," I said, walking up to her so I could keep my voice down. I didn't want to start another public hallway argument. "What did you say?"

"What? I just asked Leslie a question..." She looked at Leslie for confirmation. "Right?"

Leslie didn't respond.

"Felicia, what did you say?"

"It's nothing important," she said, rolling her eyes and readjusting her bag on her shoulder, but before she could walk away, I turned to look at Leslie.

"She asked if I, uh... if I'm a dyke," she admitted quietly.

My jaw dropped. "What is wrong with you?"

"It's a normal question," Felicia chuckled lightly. "I ju—"

"No, it's not, and you know it. If you were actually interested in Leslie's sexuality—which is none of your fucking business, by the way—you wouldn't use a fucking slur to ask her about it."

Her mouth opened and closed a few times, searching for words, but I didn't wait for her to come up with a reply.

"I don't understand why you enjoy doing this. You don't like it when people call you a slut or a cheater, do you? I mean, obviously you don't, since you keep denying it. So do you think Leslie likes hearing you say stuff like that? Do you think anyone likes hearing the absolute horseshit that comes out of your mouth? Seriously, what the fuckis wrong with you?"

Tamara stepped forward and asked, "Why did you ask her about it anyway?"

"Can we please just let this go?" Leslie muttered, grabbing hold of my arm.

"No, wait," Felicia said suddenly. "I'm sorry."

"Sure," I scoffed.

"I didn't know it was a slur. I thought it was just... another word for it. I'm sorry, Leslie. I didn't think it was offensive to ask."

Leslie looked unsure, and I wasn't sure if she was being honest, either.

"I just saw your... phone."

"My phone?"

She nodded quickly and rushed to explain, "I was behind you in English and I saw what you were, you know... googling and stuff. I was just curious."

Leslie's cheeks turned red.

"Alright, sorry for accusing you," I said quickly before Leslie could combust from embarrassment, "but just leave it next time. Personal questions like that are not appreciated. Especially when it's about such delicate subjects like sexuality. If people want others to know about it, they'll come out, alright?"

Felicia nodded again. I almost felt like I was her mother or something.

"And stop saying rude shit," I added.

"I have!" she exclaimed.

"I literally heard you say that a guy was really fat today."

"Well, I didn't say it to him!" she sighed exasperatedly. "You can't expect me to keep everything to myself! I'm sorry I was a bitch to everyone and I'm sorry for asking personal questions, but I'm still getting used to this whole being nice thing, okay? It just slips out sometimes."

After letting out a sigh, I nodded. Good enough. She was trying, at least.

"Okay, I'm really glad we could clear that up," she said, moving her hair behind her ear with a smile. "I wouldn't mind, by the way. For the record. If you were a lesbian, I mean. That word is not offensive, is it?"

"Um, n-no, it's not," Leslie replied softly. "I'm, uh... I'm not sure if I am."

"Oh, okay," Felicia said slowly. "Uhh, good luck then, I guess?"

"Yeah, thanks..."

"Alright... Bye!"

She sashayed away from us and I snorted, before muttering under my breath, "Bye, Felicia."

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