12. 420 Blaze It

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Gilbert had a nice car. And I mean a fucking nice car. So much for keeping his social status a secret... I didn't know much about brands and the like, but I knew that this car practically screamed money.

When I pointed this out, he said, "I never take it to school."

"So you just... walk to school?"

"God, no, I'm way too lazy for that. I take the bus."

"Of course." I looked out the window in an attempt to find out where we were going, but I'd never been to this part of town. I didn't recognize any of the buildings and I quickly realized that it was because we were in the expensive part of town.

"Where are we going?"

"Um." He slowly flicked on the indicator and pretended to be busy with driving, until he muttered, "My house."

"Wow..." I snorted. "You really are taking me out, huh?"

"Look, I didn't really know where to go and you said you liked movies, so I thought we could just... watch one at home. There's nothing fun to do here anyway. And... I have a pretty big TV."

"Hey, as long as there's food, I'm happy," I assured him.

"Oh. But I can't cook for shit."

I sighed.

"I burn everything," he said, brows furrowing at a bad memory. "It's so bad it's not even funny."

"I bet it's real funny," I snickered.

He pouted. "Let's order a pizza."

"Fine by me," I said, shrugging.

Thus, we ended up doing a marathon, since we basically had nothing better to do. We did more talking than watching, though. It was like a live commentary session. Gilbert complained about the bad special effects, pointless camera angles and horrible sound, while I completely shat on the bad scripts and even worse acting. During the second movie, we both agreed that the whole series was stupid anyway. Before we even got to the end credits, I said, "Let's watch something else."

"Like what?"

"I don't fucking know. Anything else."

"Here, you choose something," he said and tossed me the remote control, so with a devious grin, I put on a horror movie.

He glared.


"No, but, just... why."

"So you're scared," I teased, before handing him my pillow. "It's okay, here's a pillow for you to hide behind."

"Gee, thanks."

To his credit, Gilbert wasn't actually scared. He just jumped easily. Very easily. He kept accidentally kicking the coffee table and muttering curse words under his breath. About halfway through the movie, he flew up from the couch and said, "Alright, I've had enough. If that hideous monster jumps into the screen like that one more time I'm going to throw something and break my TV."

"Alright, pussy," I sputtered, unable to hold in my laughter.

"I'm not a pussy," he said, before snatching the remote from me to turn the movie off. "Need I remind you that I was not even a little bit scared when we were stuck in the woods?"

"That might also have to do with you being high."

He frowned to himself and then agreed, "True."

"If you hadn't gotten high, you would have clung to me like a child, wouldn't you? With all the thunder and lightning..."


"Sure," I said with a grin, before stealing the remote to continue the movie, and he dropped back into the couch with a sigh.

"Next time we're watching anything but horror."

"Next time?"

He glanced at me, folding his hands over his stomach. "Well..."

"Okay, next time," I confirmed.

He looked at the TV again and tried to hide a smile, but I saw it. I was going to say something about it, but then I changed my mind and pretended not to see it, because I was smiling myself. I would like another date, even if all we did was watch stupid movies. People always said the point of dating was to get to know someone and find out whether you liked them or not, right? Whether the attraction you felt was merely a short-lived infatuation or whether it could turn out to be something more meaningful and everything...

I liked the sound of that. I wanted to get to know him. It was kinda crazy that I already liked spending time with him so much. I'd known him for... a few weeks...

What on earth was I going to do?

Smoke weed, apparently.

Talk about dumb decisions.

No, he didn't force me, he didn't insist, and he didn't try to convince me. Hell, he didn't even suggest it. No, that was all me. I just looked at how he put the joint in between his lips and inhaled and then asked if I could try it.

"Are you sure?"


He handed me his joint and warned me, "Okay, don't say I didn't try to stop you."

"You're acting like I'm going to die or something."

"Your weed-innocence is dying. This is a special moment."

I rolled my eyes, but I had still not brought the joint up to my mouth, because let's be honest, I was pretty nervous. I was sure that I wanted to do it—I just wasn't sure why I did. It wasn't like I felt like I had to or whatever. If anything, I was known for obstinately standing my ground and doing whatever I wanted no matter what others said. Mom never failed to remind me.

"Well, go on then," Gilbert said with a nod. "Before it burns out. Unless you've changed your mind, which is fine, of course. You—"

"No, I haven't. I want to try."

To prove it, I put the end of the joint between my lips and inhaled.


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P.S. I'm not not promoting drug use this is fiction bye

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