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(Yo POV)
After those three days of relaxation and fun it was finally time to go home...home?...oh crap! what about my old house all my things my rent my everything! Oh no oh no oh no oh no "TOGA!!!" seconds after my scream Toga burst into the room "what happened Y/N?!"she asked highly concerned I looked at her pretty intensely" remember my house right all my things are back there and I need to go get" "but it's three in the mor-" ""

(Timeskip to a time where it's not 3 in the morning or any time in the morning y'know what let's just say in the afternoon okay)

"Ah home sweet ho-OH SHIT A RAT!!!"I screamed hopping away from the rat while Toga continued to walk inside seeing how unfazed by the rat she was kinda made me feel embarrassed but at the same time nobody likes a rat so before I could begin retrieving my things I had to get through the rat "come at me bro I'll fricken destroy you..." I began to hop around the rat,surrounding it then the rat looked at me "AAAAAHHHH TOGA!!!"

(Mini time skip)

After defeating the rat (pfft you didn't do nothing Toga went yeet and chucked it out the window) Me and Toga began packing some boxes I was collecting things from a shelf when I noticed a picture frame I grabbed it and held it in my hand taking a closer look at it I see that it's my parents haven't seen them in a long time y'know cuz they're dead..."hmm Y/N who's this?"Toga asked holding another picture "this is my parents and my sister"I answered receiving a confused look from Toga "isn't that you?"she questioned looking closer at the picture it then hit her "your sister I didn't know you had a twin sister I didn't even know you had a sister!"she smiled sweetly after awhile of packing and talking about the pictures me and her found we decided that it was time to go well not until I dealt with rent...(Sorry I don't know anything about this I'm a dumb minor but you know what how bout dis) I then called up the landlady and disowned mah house bam! no more house okay now we go home

(Timeskip to home)
Once we got home I began putting things away and taking a few things out I only had one more thing left taking out the picture of my parents and S/N I thought back to the good times looking at it made me smile but then frown I'm the reason my parents died and S/N she's gone too...

(??? POV)
"P-please no I'll do anything d-do you want money I'll g-give you money or anything I'll give y-you every-AAAAAAA!!!!!" a man in an alleyway screamed but only for a second or more after his almost instant death I stood up whilst licking the blood from my face and stared down at the filth beneath my shoe "tch disgusting pig I don't need your money your death satisfies me already or should a say your blood aha...ahaha" Maniacal laughter could be heard through out the not at all silent night the kind of laughter that's in scary movies the kind of laughter that strikes fear into your heart the kind of laughter that haunts you forever..."

(Man haven't updated in a while also cringe worthy chapter right if I'm being honest the whole book is cringe so yah anyway who is dis ??? and anyone get the OH SHIT A RAT?)


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