Okay I'll join...

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(Yo POV)
I was watching the news while Toga lied in my lap Rika's death was now public and that worried me thoughts flooded my mind 'what if they find out who did it? what will happen to Toga? what will I do without her?I can't I-I-!'I then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist "don't worry Y/N/N everything's fine nothing bad is going to happen I promise!"my darling Toga beamed calming me down "y'know come to think of it I haven't told you have I? well here it goes I'm a memeber of the league of villains and I want you to join!"she smiled happily her face inches away from mine "a-a villain?Toga I'm not cut out to be anything other than me besides would the league of villains even want me?..."I replied staring at the ground not making eye contact with her "of course they would I put in a good word and Shigaraki said he was cool with it you just need training is all"Toga told me standing up extending her hand and letting out a small giggle I was quiet for awhile until answering "how could I say no to that face?" I took her hand and she pulled me up she than put her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my forehead which caused me to blush...a lot and unfortunately she noticed and her smile formed into a smirk as she went up to my ear "heeey Y/N~" she smirked
Icecream...~"she giggled causing me to push her face way "I'll j-join the league of villains but just what kind of work do they do is it...hard?" I questioned her still blushing she nodded with her sweet smile "I don't think I'm cut out for it..."I stared at the ground "don't worry Y/N I'll protect you~"she smiled holding my hands she looked so happy when I said yes she even gave me a k-kiss 'okay I'll join the league and make Toga happy!'

(Timeskip to the league's hideout)
"So can she join right can she!"Toga exclaimed

(Timeskip to the league's hideout)"So can she join right can she!"Toga exclaimed

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Shigaraki nodded before looking at me "we could use her quirk..."he said before telling us to leave once we did Toga grabbed me and pulled me into a hug "isn't this great your a villain now which means you get to be with me everyday forever!"she chirped "y-yeah it sure is!"I stuttered 'so close...' she then grabbed my hand and took me somewhere "huh where are we going?"I asked curiously she then turned to face me "Y/N it's time to meet the members!"she then moved out of the way to reveal some dudes 'no not socialising my worst enemy...' I cried eternally "ehehe welcome to the league of villains!"

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