I Love You...

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(Yo POV)
The next day I bumped into Toga again but since it was a Saturday we got to talk more and hang out "so do you have a quirk Y/N?"she asked with a big bright beautiful smile I nodded rather fast "uh huh it's called dragon my senses are enhanced oh and if I eat an element I can fight with it see!"I told her whilst crunching some ice to breathe and I did it like a real dragon according to her I also showed her my dragon like teeth and then she showed me her teeth too they were sharp as well "we have so much in common bestie!"Toga chirped happily she was so kind and energetic and...cute I spend every moment I could with her I mean she was the first friend I had ever made we even went shopping for matching outfits one time and she looked adorable! Uh..we looked adorable w-we...also we'd have sleepovers at my house like nearly all the time it was so much fun she makes me happy like no one else does...

Ever since I met her I've been seeing her loads like everyday Toga's became my closest friend,my best friend,my only friend we talk about everything together we've been friends for like what a twelve months or so other than that life Is still the same except Rika's Bullying has gotten way worse now a days she targets me all the time every single day and god does it piss me off anyway today Toga was going to pick me up from school she told me that she would wait right outside of it

Once the bell to leave this hell hold I like to call school went I began to walk towards the exit that is until someone pulled me to the back of the school which is like the opposite of where I would like to go the person dragging me then threw me to the wall and it hurt...bad not like OH MY GOD HALP I'M DYING!!! Bad like the ahhh fluff that hurt owww ahhh! and that still hurts okay anyway "now listen here you waste of space you think your hot stuff just cuz you know how to use your words well guess what you aren't your nothing but a stupid bitch who should just nose dive off the roof already!"she explained to me beginning to beat the hell out of me she was punching,kicking,slapping she smashed my head into the brick wall a couple of times to but even so I didn't fight back I couldn't I wasn't as strong as her I knew that very well I hoped if someone saw this they would report it or if I could walk out from here someone would see me,sure I had a quirk used for fighting but I still rely on my intelligent more.I could already feel the tears falling faster and faster they wouldn't stop I was scared...'she then grabbed my throat and lifted me up "I could kill you right Now and no one would care there's no one left Y/N your parents are gone you have no one no one loves you and no one ever will!" 'Please...someone h-help me...-
"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!"I heard a painful scream I also felt Rika's grip disappear but obviously the pain didn't I looked up to see something-someone that I needed to see "don't worry Y/N/N your safe now I won't let anyone touch you ever again because... I love You~"Toga closed eyed smiled holding a bloody knife with Rika dead on the ground next to her Toga walked over to me and gave me a warm hug I excepted and hugged back she then came closer her hot breath tickling my ear "your not alone I'll stay with you forever..." she makes me happy like no one else she's special...she's...my love I finally understand she was what I was missing without her my life would have ended with nothing I want to be with her everyday she brings joy to my life she gives life a meaning she...she completes me!

"I-I love you too..."

(I hoped you liked this chapter good bai!)


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