I hope I see her again...

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What's up fam I'm Y/N Y/L/N and honestly I'm nothing special I have a quirk like almost everyone,I go to school like everyone so yeah I'm pretty much your average girl nothing cool about me at all my life is so blank and empty it's honestly sad...

(Yo POV)
Today I was walking to school like any other day my life is so basic 'I wish something would happen anything...!-" my thoughts came to an end as I fell to the ground I had bumped into someone once I could see clearer my eyes met with some pretty yellow ones that belonged to a blonde haired girl who looks about my age.I'm not much for socialising but meh here goes nothing "I'm so sorry for bumping into you h-here!"I stuttered 'damn you my stuttering' I then extended my arm towards the girl who was just sitting on the ground just staring into my E/C eyes until she blinked back into reality and took my hand 'warm' I thought smiling at her "hi my name's Y/N may I ask what your's is?"I asked politely still holding her hand "it's Toga nice to meet you Y/N!"she replied with a big smile 'how Cute' I then realised that we were both wearing the same sweater "what I coincidence we're both wearing the same sweater!"I exclaimed cheerfully pointing at our sweaters I sounded so happy? that's rare "wow we're like sweater buddies!"the kind girl added I was going to continue with our conversation when I saw what time it was "oh no s-sorry I have to get to school see ya later twinsie!"I waved before running off to school 'I hope
I see her again...'

(Toga POV)
I was about to say something else until she checked her watch. "Oh no s-sorry I have to get to school see ya later twinsie!"she waved before running off I watched her run until I couldn't see her anymore I then got this feeling. 'Aww I miss her already she was so nice too and pretty!...well guess I should probably go back to the hide out it was good to get some fresh air 'I hope I see her again...'

(Yo POV)
Once I made it to school I was out of breath i had five minutes left to spare now what Should i do with those minutes?... absolutely nothing of course it was only five minutes not long,not long at all so I sat on a bench and waited until someone walked up to me "oh look it's you the girl with that gross dragon breath!"Rika kobayashi the most popular,most adored,most bitchy girl in school smirked 'out of everyone in this school you chose me
why.the.hell.did.it.have.to.be.ME!'Y/N eternally screeched hiding how annoyed she was very well with a stoic expression' I just wanted to sit down and enjoy some alone time is that to much to ask god damit!' "yeah I have dragon breath fire dragon breath actually and I use it to burn trash and oh look there's some right in front of me"I told her with the same stoic expression on my face victory dancing on the inside her face had anger written all over it but thank our lord and saviour *whoever the hell you want at this point* (I'm not even a Christian, I wrote this when I was ten) that the bell went I don't have any classes with her so I'm gonna be a-okay!

And I was a-okay for the whole day woohoo lucky me I'm not going to get told how trash I am yay! welp it's time to go to sleep 'goodnight me...'I thought before I saw that girl from today flash through my brain 'it's Toga nice to meet you Y/N!' I turned off my lamp and smiled "Toga...how cute"I smiled before drifting to sleep


(Sorry if it was too short it'll be better trust me!)


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