Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Natalia’s pov

I went back to Damian because I needed to fix this.

I knew if anyone could end this it might be me.

Ending this war is the one thing I can do for Nathaniel.

I was surprised when Damian kissed me.

I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t feel something.

Did I really love him?

No but I needed to convince him that I did.

He could not unleash the demons.

“Damian you know you can’t unleash the demons right?”

“I know I guess I just needed to show my father I was worth it.”

In that moment I realized why Damian was doing all of this.

He wasn’t a bad guy he just wanted to be loved.

I knew with Nathaniel I could never allow him to give up being an angel for me.

With Damian all he has to do is chose me, and we could have a future.

“Damian if I asked you to would you give this up to be with me? Would you walk away from your father, the darkness, this war to be with me?”

He looked me in the eyes.

This was our one chance at a future.

With him I could have love.

We could start a family.

I could never have that with Nathaniel.

“Do you truly love me Natalia?” Damian asked.

“Yes Damian I do, and I think we could have a future. We could possibly have a family.”

“Then I chose you.”

When he said that the red mist that always surrounded him started to disappear.

He went up into the air, and came crashing down into the ground.

I ran over to him thinking he was dead.

He was barely breathing

What was happening to him?

“Damian please wake up.”

He looked up at me, and smiled.

For the first time I felt I truly did love him.

He gave up all his anger for a chance at love with me.

He was my future now.

I felt a pang in my chest, and knew it was just the darkness leaving my body.

Now that Damian chose good over evil everything would go back to normal.

All the dark ones would turn back into themselves.

They would have no memory of the evils they had done.

The war was over before it ever truly got started.

I knew how hard it was for Damian to give up that kind of power.

I had once thought Nathaniel did love me, but now I know what true love is.

He said he would give up his immortality for me, but in the end I knew he wouldn’t.

I was meant to be with Damian.

We were meant to save each other.

I held him in my arms, and knew there was no place I rather be than with him.

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