Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Nathaniel’s pov

I had this weird dream.

It was as if Natalia was calling out to me.

I could see her being a prisoner in a room with wolves surrounding the door.

Could this be true?

Is she a victim of Damian’s?

I wish I could trust her.

I want to run to her so badly, but it could all be a trap.

She also showed me that this feud could be the end of the world.

I can’t have that.

I didn’t know what to do.

I was put on this earth to help others.

I was supposed to stop Damian.

How can I do that if it means the end of the world?

I feel as if this world has changed me.

I have forgotten what I am here for.

I need to go to Natalia no matter what the risk.

She needs my help.

I made a promise to help all no matter what they have done.

She can’t be evil if she showed me what I was doing wrong.

She is my love.

Maybe without her I am lost.

How can I go up against Damian when I no longer feel pure of heart?

I can feel the darkness seep in.

I just don’t think I can do this.

How can I expect people to choose good over evil if I feel an evil dwelling inside of myself?

I heard a wolf howl in the distance.

Was it coming for me?

Did it smell the darkness inside of me?

Would Damian attack now?

He was always looking for my weakness.

Now maybe he has finally found it.

I heard someone banging on the door so I hurried to get it.

I was shocked to see a wet and bloody Natalia at my door.

“Natalia how did you get here are you okay?”

I hurried to grab a towel and sat her down in a chair before she collapsed.

“I had help to escape. The wolf outside went against Damian, and helped me to get here.”

“He will be protected then. What happened to you Natalia?”

“I had to fight my way to you.”

I went over and held her.

She was here when I needed her the most.

I knew Damian would come for her.

I admit there was some doubt in the back of my mind that maybe this was a trap.

I couldn’t think like that so I let that thought go.

I needed to trust in her.

I knew she had good in her heart.

“Natalia I have missed you.”

I saw tears in her eyes as she smiled at me.

“I don’t deserve you Nathaniel, but I couldn’t be without you. I let Damian tempt me, and for that I will always be sorry. I love you, but I knew we could never be together so I turned to him. I made the biggest mistake.”

I kissed her.

I knew this was not allowed for me, but I couldn’t stop myself.

I loved Natalia.

She made me better.

She was my light in this darkness.

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