Chapter Twenty One

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About a couple of hours has passed and Louis is still asleep on the couch. I've just been watching him sleep peacefully. His lips were parted a bit and he was snoring quietly, his hair was covering his handsome face. I gently moved his hair out of his face and began to count his freckles. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5." I mumbled. I continued to count his freckles, but I lost count. I pull out my phone and look at the time, it's 9:23pm. I should get home, my parent's are probably really worried about me. I slowly sit up, trying not to wake him. Luckily, he's a heavy sleeper, unlike me.

I was already dressed, so I put on a pair of shoes that Mrs. Louise let me have. I looked at Louis and smiled. How can someone be so cute?

I gently kissed his forehead, then his cheeks, then his lips. "I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow." I say to him, knowing he can't hear me. I walk to the front door, as my hand touches the door knob, I hear someone walking downstairs; I turn around to see Charles. "I'm heading out, I had a great time here, thank you."  Charles smiles softly, "I'm glad, you're always welcome here, don't forget that."

I smile, "I won't, thanks again. Where's Mrs. Louise?"

He folded his arms against his chest, "She's sleeping, surprisingly."

"Well, could you tell her that I had a great time here, and thanks for everything."

He nods, "Will do. Have a good night and get home safely."

"Thank you, I will." I watched as Charles picked up Louis like it was nothing, and began walking up the stairs, I smiled, then left the house.


I entered my house, all the lights were off, so everyone must be sleeping. I walked to my room and turned on my small lamp that was on my nightstand. I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed, sighing comfortably. I put my phone on the charger, then turned my lamp off. It didn't take me too long to fall asleep.

"Clem, you're back!" My eyes shoot open, my heart racing. AJ jumps onto my bed, hugging me tightly. I sit up, "Jeez, you scared the shi-- crap out of me." AJ chuckles, "Sorry, I just missed you!" I smile, hugging him back. "I missed you two, kiddo."

I rub my face sleepily, "What time is it?"

"Its 10 o' clock."

" By the way, mom and dad were worried about you..."

"They were..?"

"Yeah, but someone called them yesterday and they were less worried."

I sigh in relief, thank goodness. "Guess who's coming over today?"


I chuckle, "I said guess, silly."

"Uhm, Tenn?"



 I chuckle, " It's Marlon, but nope."

"Okay, I give up. Who is it?"

"Louis!" I shout happily. AJ's smile widens, "Really?! Yay! I miss him!"

"He misses you too, he should be here later today. But for now, let's make some breakfast." We both leave the room and go into the kitchen. "Do you have any ideas on what we should make?" AJ thinks for a moment, "How about scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles?" I nod, "That sounds great. Grab me a couple of eggs, please." I order.

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