Chapter Five

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Louis and I are downstairs in the living room. I'm almost done with writing my essay, and Louis is finishing up my chemistry and history homework. As I'm writing, I glance at Louis. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he mouthed something to himself then wrote something down on my chemistry paper.

"I really appreciate you helping me, Louis." I say as he smiles, his eyes glued onto the paper. "No problem, Clem. You know I'm here for you, right?"

"I know, and I'm here for you too." I tell him with a smile.

I focus my attention onto my essay, I only need a few more sentences and then I'll be done, but my fingers hurt from all the writing I've been doing. "I'm going to take a five minute break, my fingers hurt." I mutter, while Louis nods in response.

I stand up and stretch my arms and legs, then I walk to the kitchen to grab a snack. I open the fridge and grab a strawberry flavored yogurt. "Hey, do you want a yogurt? I have strawberry and blueberry flavored ones."

His eyes still glued to the paper he says, "I'll take a blueberry one, please."

I grab the blueberry yogurt and two spoons, and then walk back to the living room. I sit his down on the coffee table, while I open mine. We sit in silence, the only things that are being heard is Louis erasing and writing, and my spoon scraping the insides of the yogurt container.

"So..." I mutter awkwardly, "How's the homework going?"

"Good so far, I'm almost finished. Then I'll start the history homework." He states, finally giving me eye contact for the first time since we started working.

"I feel like I should be helping more, you're basically doing 85% of the work." I tell him, feeling a bit guilty.

As I'm moving my arm to grab the history paper that's under the chemistry one, he stops me. He looks up at me, "It's fine, Clem. You're super tired and you deserve this, this is the least I can do."

I frown, feeling even more guilty. "Even though I'm tired I still want to help, you shouldn't be doing the majority of the work." I say in an annoying tone, as he sighs. "Clementine, don't make a big deal out of this, okay?" He says with a reassuring smile.

I sigh, "Alright." I mutter, as I focus on my essay again.


After we've finished all the homework, we sat for a while and talked about random things while eating a bunch of snacks. Louis would would flirt here and there, but I didn't mind it, it was cute. We talked about our relationships with our other friends, Marlon, Brody, Violet, Ruby, etcetera.

Louis told me that the reason why Marlon isn't at school is because he got suspended for 2 weeks for fighting another student, he had beaten them up pretty bad, and when the principal went to go break it up, Marlon elbowed the teacher in the chest. He would've only been suspended for 1 week, but since he hit the principal he got 2.

Louis also told me that he noticed that Violet hasn't been herself, she's been more angry than usual. I asked him what he meant, since Violet is always angry or annoyed at something. All he said was that he thinks it's about her and Minerva's breakup, which I nodded in agreement. They've been broken up for almost a month, something really bad must've happened for Violet to be this upset about it. I always ask her what happened between her and Minerva, but she just dodges the question, I'm just going to have to be patient and wait for her tell me when she's ready. 

I tell Louis about how Brody has a hug crush on Marlon, but is too afraid to tell him. Every time I insist for her to just go up to him and tell him, she thinks about it for a moment and then starts hyperventilating while shouting "No, no, no! I can't do that!"

"That reminds me, I still want to know who you have a crush on. It's obviously me, right?" Louis says, I roll my eyes and scoff, "Yeah right."

I notice a small frown appear on his face, but then it instantly turns back to a wide grin, "What, uh..what would you say your thing is? That you look for, in a guy." He asks me, noticeably nervous. "You have 4 options, either brawn, dashing good looks, brains, or a sense of humor, you can only choose one."

I think for a second, "I think I prefer..a good sense of humor." I tell him as he nods. I playfully say, "If only I knew someone with one of those." I grab a blue and red gummy worm, and eat it.

While I was grabbing another gummy worm, some of my curly strands of hair made it's way to the front of my face. I could feel Louis staring at me intently, so once I grabbed the gummy worm, I looked up at him and we stared at each other for a couple of seconds. He then reached his arm towards my face, I watch as he uses his finger to place my curly strands of hair behind my ear. I smile, not saying anything, and he does the same. He then caresses my cheek gently, looks me in the eyes, and then looks at my lips. Realizing what he was about to do, my heart starts racing.

While I have the chance, I whisper, "I like you, a lot. Like, like you. As more than a friend." Louis continues to caresses my cheek, and a big smile appears on his face. "I like you too, Clementine. I always have." He whispers, as I smile. In sync, we both close our eyes and lean in to kiss.

A/N: How'd you like this chapter? I didn't plan for Louis and Clementine to kiss, and confess to each other this early in the story, but I had a chance and I took it!

Question of the day: What's your favorite subject in school?

My answer: P.E. lmao

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