Chapter Twenty Three

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(I would usually put Clouis fanart that involves the theme of the chapter but if I were to do it for this one, I'd spoil it.)

I woke up late, so I don't have much time to get ready. I quickly brush my teeth and put my hair in it's usual style. I decided to wear an orange t-shirt that was tucked into my ankle length blue jeans and my white vans. I grabbed my backpack which was sitting by the front door and left the house.

Once I made it inside the school, I grabbed all the things I'll need for my classes, then began to walk to my first period class. As I was walking, peoples eyes were on me. They were giving me disgusted looks, and they were watching my every move, which began to make me uncomfortable. Why are they staring at me, what's going on? I put my head down, trying my best to ignore them--

"Oof!" My head hits someone and I look up to see Louis. I smile and sigh in relief. "I-I didn't mean to bump into you." I mumble shyly, looking back at the numerous people who were looking at me. . "It's alright, Clem." He states. I nod and walk away from him, but he quickly grabs me by my arm. He spins me around to face him, and I look down. He uses his fingers to lift my head up by my chin, "What's wrong?" He asks, scanning my worried and confused face.

"Everyone's staring at me, giving me disgusted looks, and they're watching my every move and I don't know why. I-It's making me uncomfortable." I explain with a sigh. "Do you think Sophie said something about me? Did she spread a rumor? Oh no.." I look at Louis, he thinks for a moment. "I'm going to go ask someone what's going on. But first, I'll walk you to class so you'll be more comfortable." He wraps his arm around my shoulder, protectively, glaring at some of the people. I nod and we both walk to my first period class.

I looked down at my feet while I walk, trying to figure out what's going on. "Clem?" I feel Louis shake me by my shoulder and I jump out of my trance, "Sorry, were you saying something?"

"I was saying that whoever did or said something to make people stare at you AND make you uncomfortable, I'm going to kick their asses." My eyes widened in surprise. Louis? Kicking someone's ass? I'd want to see that. "Can you actually fight?" He shakes his head, "No, but I'll do whatever it takes to make you go back to your happy self again. I promise." I smile at him and give him a kiss on his cheek, "You're the cutest." Once we made it to my first period class, Louis pecks my lips and says goodbye.

I sigh and try not to think about the current situation I'm in. Everything was going great and now...this? I have a gut feeling that Sophie has something to do with this. Sigh...petty and jealous people are hard to deal with, I swear.

During class I wasn't paying much attention, my mind kept going back to the unwanted situation I'm in. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I got. I took deep breathes in and out to attempt to calm my nerves, but that didn't help.

I was now in my 4th period class. While I was writing notes, my phone buzzed. I quickly pulled out my phone and read the message.

Louis: Someone told me that Sophie started telling people that you got super drunk on your own at her party and you accused her of putting alcohol in your drink.

I gasped. What the hell! You've got to be kidding me!

Clementine: Who would believe that though?

Clementine: The people who were at the party knows the truth 'cause they were there!

Clementine: They saw how intoxicated I was!

Louis: Well, sadly, a lot of people believe her.

This is bullshit. I literally just want to strangle her!

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