Chapter Nine

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We are about a minute away from our destination. Louis told me to close my eyes, so I did. "Alright, are you ready?"

"Yes! I'm really excited!" I feel the car slowly stop, my heart beats faster as I get more and more anxious. "Can I open my eyes?" I ask, excited. "Yes! In 3..2..1, open!" I open my eyes and look out of the window, reading the sign. The sign read: Rori's Ice Skating. I gasped, a big smile appeared on y face. "No way! This is awesome, Louis. I've never been Ice Skating before."

It was an outdoor Ice Skating rink, there was colored lights flashing on the cold ice, and music blaring. "I used to go here every year on my birthday, it'd be me, Sophie, Minerva, Marlon, and Violet. Out of all of us, me and Vi were the best at skating."

"Did you bring me here to impress me?" I ask with a smirk, he laughs, "Maybe, but I also brought you here so I can see you fall on your ass a lot." He states with a wink. I roll my eyes, "Great, I'm going to embarrass myself in front of my boyfriend." I tell myself, shaking my head. "Don't worry, I'll try my best not to laugh." Out of know where, I remember something. I have to send a picture to Violet! I pull out my phone, "I told Violet that me and you are going on a date today, so she wanted me to send her a picture once I get here." Louis mouths 'oh' as I take a picture of the skating rink and send it to her. "Ooh! We can take another picture in front of the rink, come on!" I say, still super excited as I grab the handle to get out of the car.  Louis stops me by grabbing my shoulder; forcing me to sit back down.

I turn to him, tilting my head in confusion, "What?" I ask, staring into his dark brown eyes. He stares into my hazel eyes, and smiles at me. "I love seeing you so happy, and you're really cute." He tells me, my cheeks begin to burn, "I'm so lucky to have such a charming boyfriend." I tell him, he smiles, glancing at my lips then back at me. My cheeks grow hotter and redder, as I glance at his lips then back at him. We both look into each other's eyes, then in sync we close our eyes and lean in to kiss. My lips softly touch his, moving slowly and passionately. I felt Louis smile against my lips, he wasn't kissing back. My brows furrow in confusion, I pull away. "Why aren't you kissing me?" I ask, folding my arms. Louis smirks at me, "That's payback." Is all he says, I gawk at him and watch as he quickly gets out of the car.

I get out the car, still confused. "Payback? For what?" I ask, catching up to him. He turns to me, his hands on his hips. "You elbowed me in the stomach, remember? I told you I would get you back, but you didn't believe me." He explains, sticking out his tongue.

I huff in annoyance, "Ugh, now I'm frustrated." I say, glaring at him. "Aw..poor Clem, she elbowed me in the stomach and is know sexually frustrated." He teases, I give him a deadly glare this time, "Louis better run before I elbow him somewhere else." I say, my glaring eyes locked on him. He gasps, and runs to the skating rink, I run after him. While I'm running after him I shout, "Get your freckled face ass over here!" He shrieks, running faster now. "Leave me alone!!" He yells, I reach my arm out to him, grazing his coat. I curse under my breathe, as he continues to run away from me. We both dodge people swiftly, I kept trying to grab him but I failed. Getting annoyed, I run as fast as I can, still glaring. Louis looks over his shoulder and shrieks louder than before. I yell, jumping on his back. "Yes, I got you!" I shout, breathing heavy, "By the way, you scream like a girl."

"Yeah yeah, you got me, and I don't scream like a girl!" He says, as I get off of his back. I roll my eyes, "Whatever you say." We then walk to a small booth that was outside the skating rink. There was a woman standing behind the booth, she had auburn hair and bright green eyes. Her name tag read, 'Melody.' "Hello, and welcome to Rori's Skating Rink! How long will you two be skating for?"

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