Chapter Three

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I made a few changes to the end of Chapter 2.  I have made a new story and the first chapter is out! So, please go check it out!


I had woken up from someone calling my name soothingly, and gently shaking both of my shoulders repeatedly. "Clem? Clementine, wake up." A familiar voice told me as I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I looked up, "Louis? What are you doing here?" I asked as he smiled.

"Well, I got a text from Violet. She was telling me how you wanted her to contact Minerva and/or Sophie. I asked her what for, and she said because AJ and Tenn want to hang out, and also because you didn't have their phone numbers. She was really nervous and hesitant about contacting Minerva, you know...since they haven't spoken to each other since they've broken up--and they didn't exactly end it on good terms.." Louis explained to me. I nodded and motioned for him to continue, he noticed my movement and did.

"I knew that wherever AJ goes you go, and vise versa. So, since you were going to be there, I decided to come. You don't mind, do you?" He asked as I chuckled. "Of course not, Louis. The more the merrier." I told him, as I stood up from the bench and stretched my arms and legs. I glanced at him for a second, and watched as he smirked and winked at me. I rolled my eyes in response and then punched his shoulder playfully.

Then it hit me. "Where's AJ?" I blurted out in a concerned tone. "Oh, he's with Tenn and Violet." Louis said, as I looked at him confusingly. "Wait, Violet's here too?"

"Yeah, surprising right? I don't know why she decided to come though, it was a bit sudden. But the more the merrier, right?"

I smiled, "Right."

Me and Louis walked towards the bigger playground, where Tenn, AJ, and Violet were. Violet was sitting on a bench with her arms crossed, watching AJ and Tenn play, a smile spread across her face. Tenn and AJ were on the ground playing with Tenn's action figures. AJ was holding a policeman while Tenn was holding a firefighter.

"Looks like you two are having fun." I say as AJ grins happily, "Yeah!" He yells as I chuckle and kneel down to his height. "I told you they'd come sooner or later, silly goose." I whispered, so only he could here me. He nods, and I boop his nose. "If I had brought another action figure, you could've played with us Clem." Tenn states, in his quiet voice. "Well, next time bring another one, and I'll definitely play with you." I tell him as he smiles.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake. It's good to see you Clem."

"Yeah, good to see you too Violet." I say as me and Louis sit next to Violet.

"Let's play a game to past the time!" Louis blurted out, "Like what?" I asked as his cute smile turned into a smirk. "Truth or Dare!" He yelled excitedly as Violet groaned and rolled her eyes, "Cant you think of any other game to play? Truth or Dare is getting boring."

"You look boring." He retorted as Violet glared at him. "That doesn't even make sense dumb ass."

"You're a dumb ass!" He yelled as I shook my head. Here we go again.

"Says the person who can't even make a good enough comeback, you wuss." She said coolly.

"Make up your mind, Vi. Which one am I? A dumb ass or a wuss?"

She growled in annoyance, "Just shut up and start the game, you freckled faced freak."

"Okay okay, Truth or Dare, Clem?

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