Chapter Thirty

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John's PoV

      Tonight was finally the night, and all I could do was pace back and forth across the room. Ash was sitting cross legged on my bed watching me with a bored expression. 

      "You good man?" she asked, leaning forwards slightly. I whirled around to look at her.

      "No! I have no idea what I'm going to wear!" I exclaimed and she rolled her eyes.

      "Seriously, you're all stressed about that? John, this isn't that fancy of an event," she said as she pushed herself off the bed and walked over to my wardrobe. She hummed and shifted through it for a moment before grinned. Ash threw some clothes at me. "Put those on!" she called out as she left, closing the door behind her. I looked down at the clothes she picked out and shrugged. I changed into them and looked at myself in the mirror. It was a nice black button up with skinny jeans and hightop converse. I called her back in and she grinned, crossing her arms. "Was that so hard?" she teased and I scowled at her. 

      "Do me a favor and shut up," I snapped and she laughed, sticking her hands in her hoodie pocket. 

      "Yeah yeah, c'mon you've got a date to pick up." I rolled my eyes at her. Sometimes I want nothing more than to smother her in her sleep. I flicked her forehead -earning myself a punch to the arm- and left the dorm. Looking at the car Ash had made I couldn't help but be amused. 

      "You claim it's not a fancy thing and then-"

      "It's not! And that's just a sports car!" she cut me off and I smirked. 

      "And how much would this cost if we got it legally?" I asked and she cringed. 

      "That makes it sound like what I'm doing with my ability is illegal," she whined and I rolled my eyes. 

      "I mean it kinda is, but that's not important. Is everything else all set up?" I asked and she nodded. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow," I said and Ash grinned. 

      "Have fun, I'll be with Remi if you need anything," she said before talking off. I got in the car and took a deep breath before driving to Arlo's apartment. I pulled into the parking lot and walked into the building. I stood in front of his door for a moment before knocking. He opened up and I smiled. He was wearing a dress shirt with tight black pants and yellow converse that matched his hair. He smiled when he saw me and I grabbed his hand. 

      "Ready to go?" I asked and he laughed.

      "Ready as I'll ever be," he said with a smile. I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the building and down to my car. He chuckled airly when he saw it. "Sparing no expense I see?" he joked and I laughed. 

      "Only the best for you," I saw with a wink and he shook his head. We got in the car and started driving. Ash and I had spent hours trying to find the perfect restaurant. It was LGBTQ+ friendly and offered some pretty good prices. It wasn't much but Arlo seemed to have a good time, and the food was amazing. We laughed and talked for what felt like hours. It was perfect, but I wasn't done yet. As we left I wrapped my arm around his waist. 

      "That was amazing John," he said and I grinned. 

      "Oh we're not done yet!" I said and he raised an eyebrow. "It's kinda a long drive though," I warned and he hummed.

      "Well I'm assuming it's worth it so let's go," he said. We got in the car and I started driving. Glancing at the time I realized we were cutting it slim. I looked out over the road and grinned, there was no other cars around. 

       "Hold on," I warning with a sly grin and started speeding up. I felt Arlo grab my arm and glanced over. He looked terrified and excited at the same time. I just laughed and his grip tightened.

       "John..." he said in a low tone and I grinned. 

      "Okay, okay," I said and slowed down. Half an hour of relaxed silence later we arrived at the spot. "We're here!~" I exclaimed in a sing song voice and he raised an eyebrow at me. 

      "This is... the middle of the woods," he said plainly and I made a face. 

      "Well with that attitude it is. Follow me," I said excitedly and he shook his head at me, clearly amused. We got out and I grabbed his hand. I lead him through the forest and he sighed.

       "I'm getting real serial killer vibes here. You're not gonna lead me to a shed full of disemboweled corpses are you?" he asked and I choked. 

        "What? No, why would you even think of that?!" I asked, nearly falling over I was laughing so hard. He flicked the side of my head. 

          "Shut up, it's a genuine concern to have when someone -who has proven to have violent tendencies- leads you through the woods at night," he said crossing his arms. I stuck out my bottom lip and looked at him.

           "Okay first of all, ouch. Second, c'mon or we're gonna miss it!" I said and continued walking along an overgrown path. I heard him following me and soon we burst out into a clearing. Just in time too.

           "John what is thi- oh wow..." he cut himself off, breathless as he took in the scene before him. Just as we had entered the clearing the moon had reached its peak. When this happened it hit a huge rock in the middle of the clearing which glowed in the light. I had Ash make and hang little glass balls all around the clearing so when the light from the rock hit them they glittered. Laid out in front of the rock was a blanket with flowers all around it. I gently took Arlo's hand and guided him to the blanket so we could sit. He was looking around with wide eyes and I couldn't be happier. I knew it would take something special to impress him. He leaned into my side and smiled up at me. "This is beautiful," he said and intertwined our fingers. For a long moment we sat together, his head snuggled against my shoulder. I glanced down at him and saw the look in his eyes and everything was worth it. A few minutes later I realized he had fallen asleep. Eventually the moon passed overhead and the light vanished. 

Arlo's PoV?

      I looked through the bushes. I saw two people in the clearing. One had black hair and the other seemed to had white hair. I crept forwards my eyes narrowing. I was gonna leap and end their lives but something about the white haired human stopped me. I crouched there watching them for a few more minutes. I leaned forwards snapping a twig in front of me. I guess the human had heard me because their head snapped up, their red eyes glowing. I backed away and took off into the forest as the human stood. I dropped onto all fours, galloping through the forest. I came out of the forest near the highway. I leapt back as a car zoomed by. I growled narrowing my eyes. I quickly trotted across the street. I was halfway across when another car started coming at me. I stood up to my full height and looked down at the car as it screeched to a halt. I slammed my fists down on the front of the car. An alarm started going of inside so I hit it in the side, sending it skidding off the road. I growled and continued on my way heading into the darkness of a nearby alleyway. I sniffed around, the faint glow of my eyes being the only light. I heard someone laughing and I stood on my back legs. I placed my claws on the windowsill and looked into the house. There was four humans sitting around a table. I growled. One of them looked over and our eyes met. The human screamed and I snarled. The screaming hurt my ears and I quickly ran off, not wanting to go def.  I found a small opening in between a wall and a huge trash bin. I squeezed into the gap and settled down on the ground, resting my head on my claws. I closes my eyes as the sun rose. I was safe and hidden in the darkness.


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