Chapter Twenty-Two

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John's PoV

      I opened my eyes and yawned. My head was pounding from my hangover, and I could barely remember a thing. The spot next to me was still warm from Damien. I managed to heave myself out of bed without vomiting, and head to the living room. There, Brian and Damian were laughing and talking on the couch.

      "Hey guys..." I said a bit awkwardly remembering last night. They looked over at me, and grinned. 

      "Hey John!" Brian said with a smile. Damien shot him a look. 

      "How are you not hungover in the slightest? It's unfair!" he grumbled and Brian laughed at him. 

      "Haha I didn't drink nearly as much as the rest of you did. Besides I don't get hungover from vodka," he said and Damien rolled his eyes, again I chuckled at the two.

      "So where's Ash?" I asked and Brian's eyes lit up. 

      "Kitchen, she's making chocolate chip pancakes!" Brian said excitedly.

      "Ooo Ash's pancakes are the best," I said happily. Brian nodded and Damian raised an eyebrow. 

      "Yeah! And they smell great!" Brian said. I smile and walk into the kitchen. I see Ash finishing up with the last few pancakes.

      "Want some help with the plates?" I ask and she nods, looking over her shoulder with a smile. I set the table and make sure to put the syrup on the far end of the table from where Ash likes to sit.

     After we finish eating Brian and I clean up the kitchen. Brian and Damian leave shortly after, probably to go back to their dorms. Once they left Ash turned to me. 

      "You know, I think maybe I was wrong," she said softly, "I don't think you and Damian are good together. But those two..." she trailed off, looking towards the door. I nodded.

      "Yep, I see it too," I confirmed and Ash grinned. Her grin faded and she sighed. 

      "I never asked, but how are you holding up?" she asked and I frowned. 

      "Not the best. I miss him, I even texted him last night. I'll be fine though, blocked his number so I wouldn't do some dumb shit like that again. I'll be fine," I said and she frowned. It was clear she didn't believe me. Just then Remi came by and stole Ash away to the mall. Having nothing else to do until Seraphina got back I just hung out on my phone on the couch. Everything was going pretty good, it was calm and quiet. Eventually I figured I should go back to bed to deal with this headache. 

Arlo's PoV

      Today was the day. I need to talk to John, no matter whos there or what happens. I need to explain. The text he had sent me last night was still fresh in my mind. He had clearly been drunk, and he missed me. I'm just across the street from John's house when I see Seraphima. Was she bleeding? SHE HAD BEEN STABBED. She collapses just before she can reach the front door and I race across the street to her. I pick her up and open the door.
     "JOHN CALL ELAINE!" I shouted. 

John's PoV

       "JOHN CALL ELAINE!" I jump a foot in the air and my head whips around. I see Arlo holding up Seraphina, who was practically bleeding out. I race over and grab her phone from her pocket and called Elaine, as I didn't have her number. Alro lays her on the ground, and puts a pillow from the couch under her head. 

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