Chapter Twenty-Six

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Arlo's PoV

      I woke up and for a minute wished I didn't. Then everything came rushing back to me as I realized I was curled up in John's arms. I still wanted to talk to him more about this Damian guy, but for now I was content to just lay here with him. I was tempted to just go back to sleep. Unfortionatly John started waking up as well.

       "Morning love~" he murmured and I couldn't help but blush at the raspy tone.

      "G-Good morning..." I said softly, cursing myself for stuttering like that. I sounded like an idiot! John just chuckled and kissed my forehead. We lay there for a while longer, just enjoying the late-day sun. Our peace was disturbed when my stomach growled.

      "Heh, wanna get something to eat?" John asked and I nodded. "Yeah, me too." We got up and John changed out of his workout clothes. I managed to snag one of his hoodies -which was a little big on me- and we went out into the living area. Blyke was on the couch looking at something on his phone. He looked up as we walked in and grinned. 

      "You two finally make up?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

      "Yeah," John responded, narrowing his eyes, "and I'm guessing you're the one who gave Arlo a key to our dorm." John didn't seem angry but more sarcastically amused. 

     "Guilty!" Blyke said putting his hands up in a mock surrender. John just laughed at him. I was kinda surprised these two got along so well. I suppose they did live together and stuff but still, Blyke and John? Not 3 months ago I would have laughed at you if you said they would get along. I sighed and glanced up at John. He smiled at me and went into the kitchen, I'm assuming to make us something to eat. I stood awkwardly and Blyke noticed I had one of John's hoodies. He gave me a look and I flipped him off, going to follow John to the kitchen. I jumped and looked up as the door was basically kicked in. Ash came skidding in with a huge grin. Damn psychopath- well actually I think that's an insult to psychopaths. 

      "WHAT'S UP FUCKERS?!" she yelled. The moment she saw me her entire demeanor changed and she activated her ability. Next thing I knew I was pinned to the wall with knives in my arms. I almost screamed out in pain and John came running back into the room. All I knew was that there was a crash, yelling, and what sounded like an explosion before I blacked out.

      I woke up in a cold sweat. I took a deep breath and looked around. There was a heart monitor, beeping obnoxiously, my arms where banaged and had tubes coming from them. My gaze snapped towards the door as a nurse walked in.

      "You're awake! Well that's good," she said with a small smile. 

      "Where am I?" I asked groggily. 

      "You're in the hospital. Also you're friends are waiting outside, if you would like to see them," she said and I nodded, trying to focus my thoughts. 

      "Yes... yes let them in." I said. She nodded and smiled at me before checking over a few things on the monitors and left the room. I smiled as John walked over and sat in a chair next to me. He slid his hand into mine and I rested my head against his arm. 

      "Hey love, how you feeling?" he asked and I sighed. My arms ache and hurt like all Hell.  

      "My arms hurt but other then that I'm feeling ok. What happened?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the look on his face. He let out an exasperated sigh before explaining.

     "To put it simply, Ash saw you and completely lost it.  She launched her shadow knives into your arms, and probably would have done a lot worse if Blyke hadn't gotten in her way. He managed to get her shoulder with a laser which just pissed her off more. They managed to do quite a bit of damage in the few seconds it took me to restrain her. Blyke had also missed a shot and blew up my brand new toaster," he seemed rather bitter at the last part. I nodded and sighed. The toaster was a bit random, but whatever. Blyke and John are strange people so I'm not surprised they had a toaster in their living room.  I leaned back with a sigh. I noticed Ash in the doorway. She looked annoyed and a little guilty, but she wasn't chomping at the bit to slaughter me so I guess that's good. We talked for a few minutes before the nurse came back and told them that visitor hours where over. 

      "So, you're going to have to stay the night. Those 'knives' did serious damage to your bones and muscles, it's going to take a little while to regenerate. On top of that your blood pressure was seriously low," she said with a knowing look. I cringed a little and avoided eye-contact. She just sighed and continued, "There was also a drop in your ability level recently due to the lack of red blood cells, as well as lack of use." I could feel her concerned gaze on me. "I'm going to suggest either seeing a therapist or talking to a counselor at school," she said, keeping her voice down a little. She gave me another look before turning the lights down and leaving the room. I pressed down into my bed and closed my eyes with a deep breath. I hate hospitals. I could never stand being in them, much less at night. As I just started falling asleep there was a blood curdling scream. It was some woman going into labor and I kind wanted to die. I let out a soft groan and squeezed my eyes shut harder. I just tried to imagine John being there. I finally managed to fall asleep.

      When I was discharged from the hospital John came and picked me up. We went back to his dorm and the others were waiting for us there. When we walked in there was an awkward moment of silence. Blyke and Isen glanced between each other while Remi and Brian kept an eye on Ash. Speaking of, Ash seemed to ignore my existence, which is much better then her trying to kill me so I'm not complaining. I understand she's still mad at me. I would say I hope we get along again but we never really did in the first place. According to John she's also really good at holding a grudge. I don't want to fight her anymore though, it's exhausting and painful. John and I sat on the couch with Ash. John was in the middle with Ash and I on either side. Remi was sitting on the second couch, closest to Ash, with Blyke and Isen. Brian sat alone in an armchair. Things started to relax, and we spent the better half of the day joking around and talking about nothing. We ended up watching a couple movies, and Ash was way less hostile. Even friendly. Unfortionatly we had school tomorrow, and Remi wouldn't let us stay up all night on a school night. Blyke suggested that we get together next weekend and have a sort of movie/game night and stay up all night. I have to admit that does sound right. Everyone agreed. We agreed to meet up and discuss games and movies we could watch, and John had to make it very clear to Ash that Harry Potter would not be accepted as a movie suggestion. After everyone else had left John asked if I wanted a ride home. Apparently he and Ash had made quite the car collection. I agreed, as I didn't feel like walking home. Blyke had already gone off to bed and we went out into the dorm parking lot. I just kinda looked at the car for a moment, and gave John a look before climbing inside. He drove me back to my apartment and I invited him in for a bit. He agreed and we went upstairs to my living room. We sat together for a moment before he let out a soft sigh and squeezed me against his side.

      "Hey Arlo..."


1404 Words

I gotta give credit where credit is due, so @Mask3dN1ghtmar3  thank you for the blood idea, I really liked it and it gave me a better idea of what to do with this chapter  (ㆁωㆁ*)

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