Ash's Info and Prologue

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●Ash Koi●






Long | blue - green


Bright red with slightly slit-like pupils


Pale as fuck


Shadow Reality | Levitation

Power level



loud | arrogant | rude | Overprotective | kinda bitchy at times | stubborn | extremely sarcastic | terrible influence on people | slightly insane | Funny (?)


seeing her friends happy | fighting | memes | listening to music | drawing | Cats | Snakes | most animals tbh | the dark | Drarry | chocolate


bullies | spiders | Dramione | water/the ocean | homophobes | the cold | being alone | bugs

Other facts

She can't swim | she doesn't have a good relationship with her mother | she has a half brother and adopted sister | she spends most of her alone time drawing or playing video games | she can speak English and Japanese | used to be bullied because her eyes were weird until she met John who thought they were cool | her natural hair color is black but it's dyed to look like her mothers


Ash's PoV

     I sighed looking at him. My best friend. Today was the day we were leaving for America. He pulled me into a hug holding me close. I let out a strangled sob hugging him one last time. I look up at him and he wipes my tears away.

      "Don't cry now... We'll meet again soon ok?" I smile at him. I trust him.

      "Promis?" I ask and he nods.

     "Promise." I smile. He ruffles my hair and I laugh. It was almost like I wasn't going across the ocean to a whole other continent. It was almost like we were back at home watching tv... or making cookies... I can't believe I'm forced to leave this all behind. I have to leave him... I don't want to. He was the first friend I ever had. He meant everything to me. I board the plane to America, the whole time looking back at him. He was my whole world! He was my King! Was in love? No. He was more like a brother than anything else. I wanted to be there. To protect him. I know he'll be fine on his own. He's strong, stronger than I am anyway. Is he defetable? I'm not sure I ever want to find out. I look back one final time at his raven black hair and golden eyes. I'll be back with you soon... John.

Hey pupz... So you're probably wondering what's going on and why all my stories are gone huh? Well, I'm redoing this and My Inner Demons. On this one the edits won't be too bad but there are some things that are different so it might be worth reading again. I'm also trying to get on a steady update schedule and redoing this is a great way to start that out. It gives me time to get ahead on My Inner Demons (which I'm almost completely redoing as I really don't like how it came out, it seemed a bit too rushed) so there's gonna be a lot of changes. I'm also working on a new story which I'm not even gonna start publishing until I'm at LEAST halfway done with it. I'm really sorry if this inconveniences you but it's just something I need to do. I really want to be proud of this story as it's my first real story ever, and my most popular, but as it stands when I read through my old chapters I just cringe. Again sorry if this is an inconvenience to you or if you really just don't care. Anyways love ya pupz and I'll see you soon!~

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