Chapter Twenty-Eight

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???'s PoV

      "You have failed me," I spat. The girl in front of me cowered.

      "Please sir! Give me another chance! I know I can do this!" she cried, tears slipping from her eyes. How pathetic. Fortunately for her, she could still be useful. I just waved my hand in dismissal and she quickly left. John's rage would soon get the best of him. I didn't expect him to react the way he did anyways. I knew it was only a matter of time before he lost it, and when he did we could take him. I frowned and turned to look at the screens. I had already lost the demon from before, and John gone berserk quite like I had hoped him to. While he had lashed out, it was more heartbreak and fear than rage. I needed him angry and aggressive for this to work. Getting an idea I summoned the girl back to me. She was thankful for the second chance, but seemed hesitant to take the full force of John's anger. She still agreed, not like she had a choice, and begun to plan. This time I'd get what I wanted. 

John's PoV

      I looked down at Arlo who was starting to doze off again. There was still and hour and a half before school ended and I wanted to kill some time. I also wanted to kill a certain person. All I could think about since I had found out the truth was how badly I wanted to beat Diane to death. I sighed softly, getting Arlo's attention.

      "What's wrong?" he asked softly and I leaned over to rest my forehead against his temple.

      "I want to beat Diane," I said venomously and Arlo chuckled. I raised and eyebrow at him and kissed his neck. "What's so funny?"

      "Nothing really, I'm just surprised you haven't killed her already," he said pointedly and Ash perked up. 

      "Who are we killing?" she asked excitedly and I grinned. 

      "Diane," and when I noticed her expression, "the girl who used her ability to make Arlo love her." As soon as I said this she scowled. 

     "She did what now?" she growled and I paused. Oh yeah, no one had told her about that huh. Explains a bit. 

     "Yeah, she tried to take him from me," I said, tightening my hold around Arlo. Now I could see the rage in her eyes. This was gonna be fun. Brian clearly knew what I was trying to do but made no attempt to stop me. Remi was nervously looking between me and Ash, connecting the dots. 

     "Well then let's go beat her ass!" Ash said, jumping to her feet. Arlo groaned softly as I stood but got up as well. 

    "I'm not moving, tell me how it goes when you get back," Sera said from her spot on the couch. I shrugged, it was probably better to keep her out of harm's way. Brian also said he was staying, he didn't want any part of this blood bath. 

     "I'm coming, I need to make sure you two don't actually kill her. I know you won't be any help if they try," Remi said, with a pointed look to Arlo who just shrugged. The four of us left the roof and started hunting the halls for Diane. Finally we found her. She was with a small group of mid-tiers, but the moment they saw us coming they scattered. Diane backed up a bit but I had Arlo's ability and trapped her.

      "So, you really thought you could get away with that huh?" I asked condescendingly and she started visibly shaking. 

      "I-I don't know what you-" I slammed my fist into the lockers by her head. 

      "Don't play dumb!" I snarled and she whimpered. "I'm going to make you pay for trying to take him from me," I said with a dark look. She shrank back. 

     "W-Wait please, d-don't do th-this," she begged softly. I could see her eyes watering and tsked. 

     "Pathetic," I stepped back a bit and gestured to Ash, allowing her into the barrier. She cracked her knuckles and grinned. 

     "Ya know, my anger wasn't directed at the right person at all these last few months. I think we need to fix that," was all she said before the entire barrier was shrouded with shadows. I moved without thinking and slammed my fist into her gut just as Ash launched several projectiles at her legs. Diane fell to the ground and I saw something I never had before. Well not really, Ash looked the same way she had the night those people tried to take Seraphina. Deciding to worry about it later I turned my attention back to Diane. We were merciless in our attacks and only stopped when Doc interfered. I removed the barrier and the shadows melted away. We got glared at -which was horrifying enough- and scolded. We managed to get out of it without being sent to the principles, so that was good. I say get out of it, we make a fucking run for it and he didn't bother dealing with us. We did get scolded again by Remi for going overboard. 

      "Seriously, you didn't need to hit her that hard!" she exclaimed with her hands on her hips.

      "Yes we did," we answered in unison. We shot each other a look and Remi glared at us.

     "No, you didn't. You two beat her unconscious and then some," she said with a sour look. 

     "In our defence, we did say we were gonna kill her. So I don't really know what you were expecting," Ash said and Remi huffed. She shocked Ash and stalked off. Ash just laughed and jogged after her. "C'mon Rems, I was joking!" I heard Ash yell and laughed. I looked over at Arlo who was staring off into space. He had been doing that a lot recently and I was starting to get nervous. Has Ash hurt him more than we thought? 

      "Hey Arlo, you good babe?" I asked and he jumped and looked at me, face red. 

     "Babe?" I looked at him for a moment. I realized what I said a stalled. 

      "Uh... yeeesss?" I asked and frowned, "If that's okay with you?" I rubbed the back of my neck. God I really am shit at this relationship thing. He just laughed and smiled. 

      "Yeah that's okay with me," he said, interlacing our fingers. I smiled and squeezed his hand a little. The two of us made our way back to the roof to tell Seraphina and Brian how it went. Turns out Remi and Ash had beaten us back there and Ash was excitedly telling them what had gone down. We sat back down and Ash grinned at us for a moment before turning her attention to me. 

     "Hey John, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked and I nodded, standing back up. 

     "Alone?" I asked and she nodded. We walked away from the rest of them and went inside, hanging out at the top of the stairs. "So what's going on?" I asked and she took a deep breath. 

     "John I... I think there's something going on with my ability," she admitted and my eyes widened in horror. 


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