Letter 10 (Dodge's Pov)

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(winter dance town hall - dodge apologised 7th)

"Dear Dodge,
I'm glad you apologised, it makes this so much easier. I know you like Lea, and I hope you look after her when I go. Dance with her, make her happy. And if she cries comfort her, she'll be there for you. That's the beauty of my best friend. My Leona, your possible soulmate. She always saw the light in you, since the beginning. I didn't but she did. And now I see it, make sure Quinn doesn't hurt her again and if he does punch him for me. Hard right in 'the unmentionables' if you get what I mean ;).
It was when you danced with her that I saw it, then you told me after by the balcony. I told you to be careful with her heart. But I don't think you would ever hurt her, you are made for each other. I always wondered why you were called Dodge but now I understand there is more that one reason. 1. The corridor trick where you find out secrets by listening in as you go down the corridor. 2. The way you dodge and attack in a fight. 3. You dodge your emotions, (which isn't overly healthy but I understand why), you conceal them until they eat you alive. 4. The way you dodge your image 24/7 and pretend that you can be whoever you want but deep down you are still Maxwell. The poor kid with a dark background and anger problems. 5. You dodge questions and keep everything to yourself until you can't hold anymore in.
Maybe I understand you, partially anyway. I am looking at the midnight sky it's dark and the night is cold. Like God himself sneezed or sent the cold breeze as a message that I am doing the right thing. At school, people will cry and it saddens me that in reality I barely knew any of them. I hope you and Lion end up together, you both deserve to be happy with people who aren't jerks. And for the record, she likes you too, trust me on that one.
I danced with Red, he likes Gina right? I was happy when I saw you and Lea dancing over his shoulder. I love my best friend like a sister and I want her to be happy. You are meant to be together the stars are cheering you both on. Go for it.
Dodge, you are an amazing guy who has the short end of the stick handed to him again and again but it's about time you have some true happiness. Don't give up, keep fighting and seek others help when your strength fades. I wish you the best of luck Max.
Lots of love from Pandora x"

I open my eyes and realise Lea left the next letter next to me on my bedside table. With a small note of her own, "thought you would appreciate the lie-in, after last night. So your breakfast is on the desk and this is the next letter which is addressed to you. Lots of love Lea xx" I smile as I remember last night we laid together not able to sleep but the closeness was nice. Her arm on mine her head on my chest, I felt calm. I looked at my bed for a sign it was real, and there was a second indentation it was real. I really was not dreaming last night.

Lea is in for a surprise today, her mum and I have been rushing around behind her back since they went to the church. We are recreating the winter dance, to celebrate Pandora's life and our futures.

She will tell you all about that though. And her romantic eyes will make the night seem so much brighter than my words could. The truth is as I walk to the park and look for Lea, I want to tell her everything. All my secrets, every card that is close to my chest is laid down in front of her but when I get there I see red. Her stitches have burst on the other side. And she has passed out. I tell Josie to call an ambulance and I sit beside Lea. And I feel sick with worry all over again.

I think about last night as I am waiting with a small boy of around 4 in A&E, "Are you a big boy? If so how come you are here?" He tilts his head. "I am here for my girlfriend, she isn't well. What about you kid?" I reply. "My brother, he hit his head on the car door again." The boy looks at his feet which are spider web design. "Cool shoes," I say as a reply sensing he would rather talk about something else. I may have my problems but I am not blind to others' problems. "Thanks, they are my favourite hero, he is really cool and brave I hope I grow up to... be just like him." I smile back at him, "Keep your head up and you will kid and always look out for people." And he smiles back at me his blue eyes glowing. "My mum said that I had to be brave and wait here while my brother gets looked at in the chemo unit. She said I can talk to any kids I wanted to." He says looking between his feet and swinging his legs back and forth like he was on a swing. I could tell he didn't understand what he had just said, 'We are all the children we used to be', and this kid reminds me of myself before the darkness crept in. And I say "Everything will be okay, things will work out for the best. And no matter how hard it gets to have fun because we are all children deep down. And the sun is always shining through the clouds and the rain, and the wind that might sweep you off your feet. It will all work out for the best." He nods at me and I can tell he needed to hear that. "Thanks for the advice mister, I hope your girlfriend is okay." And just then Lea and Phillipa come out of the room with a new bandage on and new stitches. She looks frightened but I can see her light still shining so I say "I have a surprise for you later." I smile at her and she hugs me instantly, "You Dodgem are freaking amazing!" The boy gives me a wink and a thumbs up. "I see you made a new friend Maxwell." Phillipa smiles at me and I nod, then wave goodbye as we leave.

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