Letter 2 (Dodge's Pov)

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(Feb 25th - the school with Lea, park)

'Dear Lea,
I'm leaving in 6 days. I know you won't understand why and I get that. Every moment is agony my heart is sobbing in my chest and I feel so low. Since I planned to go I have been feeling more at peace with it. Quinn isn't worth your time, that guy has been nothing but a jerk since you broke up a week ago because of your operation. Not that he will admit that to you. The golden eyed boy is gone Lea, he isn't nice anymore. Not since he teamed up with Fiona and Kay. It's true he was cheating on you. And Kay was cheating on Oliver all this time. I found out when you were ill I went to the girls' toilets and there they were. They walked out and threatened me to say nothing. I yelled at them, I mean how fucking dare they. I demanded that they break up with my friends or tell them the truth. Kay is leaving Oliver, I don't know when but it is going to happen.
Dodge knows that's why he doesn't talk to Quinn anymore and only hangs with Redwing. You can trust Dodge and Josie. Oliver, I am not so sure, he is up and down. Lea, I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. I'm sorry that you will end up seeing me dead. I'm sorry that I am leaving you. I can't fight anymore. I can barely stand without crying. I haven't smiled in so long. And it fucking hurts, it feels like all the happiness has been snatched away from you and its been replaced by this painful empty feeling. It feels like I am dying anyway. So why not? Why force another tedious term out of a tired teenager? For the sake of everyone around her but you would be better without me. Just let me go.
I see a million stars in the sky and I want to join them, that's my belief that people become stars when they die. Their best memories define how bright they shine. I want to be remembered for who I am, but if it hurts. Then it is far better that you forget me. I want to be at peace and maybe that is selfish but everyone is at some point. I have to go. I hope you understand, I hope all of you do. Dodge included.
From Pandora. shine bright my friends and live. xx'

Leo faints into my arms when he reads the letter. We are just outside of the park the others are walking in through the gate just ahead. I wait with Leo, he wakes up a few moments later and asks how long. I say not long. Then I mumble multiple swear words as I see the flash of red, brown and ginger hair coming round the corner. I help Leo up and we walk to the park. We are in there as Quinn shouts out "Long live the weirdo and her boyfriend." I grumble at this but Leo stops me from shouting back. Not worth it, his strength returns and he returns to his feet. They enter the park, Kay Fiona and Quinn. Oliver looks bewildered as he sees Kay's cold eyes looking back at him. I knew I see everything. I am called Dodge because I move down the corridors and take in everything dodging conversations and most detentions in the process. I knew from day 1. "Leave him alone assface." Oliver snarls at Quinn as he slams his fists down into the bench where Leo is standing. Quinn grabs Leo by his hood and shoves him into the bench and says "I can't believe I ever liked someone like you. The only reason I ever kissed you was to see the look on your ugly face when you realised I never felt anything towards you. I hate you, Leona. Yet I will kiss you to prove my damn point, you love me still don't you?" He forces his face close to hers and I kick him straight in the jewels. "Backoff dick for brains. Anyone who chooses a dumb prick like you over a lovely person like Leo is blind. If you have a problem with him you'll have to go through me first." I get close to his face and whisper, "And we both know you are going to run off like a little girl crying if you fight me. So scoot dipshit." He stands confused for a moment, I must have bruised his ego. I wish I had done worse. He goes to take a swing but then he realises that Leo is covered in blood. He pushed him too hard.

Oliver and Kay are screaming at each other and they haven't noticed. Josie is calling an ambulance for Leo. Fiona is walking away, the dumb b*tch doesn't care about anyone. With a flick of her overly straightened ginger hair and an eye roll or seven, she is gone. Leo is barely breathing its not his stitches this time its a cut. He self-harmed last night and now a piece of glass is implanted in his arm. Quinn shouts at Kay and Oliver to shut up. When they won't stop he drags both of them away. I am with Leo, "Leo it's going to be alright. The ambulance will be here in a moment or so. Just hang in there. I'm here, Josie is here. We aren't going anywhere until the ambulance gets here. I promise." Leo is crying now, "It hurts so much. Dodge it hurts." He is crying and whispering so softly that those words are tearing my heart into pieces. Do I like Leo? Not like that? I don't know but I want him to get better. I want him back.

Within a moment the ambulance is there and wheeling Leo away. We go to Leo's house to tell his mother and from there we get a lift to the hospital. After a while a doctor comes out, he says that Leo will recover he is lucky though. A minute or so later and he would have bled out. I look at the floor, Quinn did this. I want to punch a wall and scream but I don't. I would scare Josie and Pat Leo's mother. They have both been through enough, but Pat pulls me aside and asks me "Are you alright dear? You look like you are about to explode." I sigh. "Not really, I'm not going to lie. I keep thinking about Quinn he did this you know, not deliberately but he did. I can't stand it. It's horrible why would Leo deserve this? Why would anyone deserve this?" She looks at me with sympathetic eyes and hugs me into her chest even though I am 2 inches taller. I start crying and she just says "Everything will work out in the end. Fate always does things for a reason. We won't know why until the end comes. But don't be scared, there is no need. I am here to protect you, my son. We are going to start the paperwork in a day or so and soon enough you'll be my foster son. I know you love my son, and that's okay. We can't help who we fall in love with. Leo is a bright boy, who has been through a lot. Confusion is something he knows all too well. He came home once before he came out and cried until his voice went deep and said mum I don't feel like a female anymore. I asked him what was up and helped him come up with some outfit options for Lee and Leo days. We notified the school and the appointment day for his breast operation was set. A flatter chest, so that binders weren't needed. I never saw him so happy than the day he came out from that hospital. He was smiling ear to ear, we all have ups and downs Max. It's life and I am here for both of you now. That means us being strong for Leo and Josie now. They have lost someone close to them too. But it will get better over time. That I can promise." I lean into her and listen. My mother was never one to talk about anything except mistakes and all the bad things. I finally have a mum, who loves me.

We walk back in and wait for Leo. He comes out with bandages around his arm and a pack of plasters with antiseptic fluid. He looks defeated and I tuck myself underneath his non-injured arm to help him stay up. His hair is jet black and it flops over his blue eyes clumsily. His mouth is smooth and untouched. I look at his nose it's unbroken. Bruising to his neck, back, arms and legs. Pat brings the car around and Josie takes the medical supplies.

We all head back. And sit on the sofa together. When the other two have left, Leo reaches his hand out and cups my face. Our faces are getting closer and closer until they touch. I feel energy surge through my whole body and I press back. He looks at me after, "Thanks for helping me, I know its hard at the moment. I like you, Max. That's as confusing as fuck for me. So I can't imagine how you feel." I kiss him, "I feel amazing when we are here like this." I wink and he blushes furious red. Cute eyes glowing back at me and we are holding hands watching Love Simon when Josie walks back in. "You two finally kissed then." She giggles into her popcorn. "Josie, be a dear and pass some popcorn over here would you?" She shakes her head at Leo, "Not until you answer the question." He looks at me and I smile. We kiss again. "Here you go love birds." She hands us a bowl to share. "That took you two forever you know. Pandora predicted it, she wanted you two to end up together. I can see why. You two are amazing together." She chirps.

'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return' Moulin Rouge had it right you know that is the next one we watch. Quinn comes by around 7, to apologise I answer the door. "Is Leo alright?" Quinn rubs his neck. I gulp down my anger, "He is fine, no thanks to you." His eyes are amber coloured and his hair is red, he is called fire boy for a reason. And it isn't because he is 'passionately' inclined. "I'm sorry for all I've done and I hope you two have a good life together." Quinn looks at my feet and I see how sorry he really is. "Happy trails, goofball. I suppose you are a mind reader as well right." I sigh back. "Please, it was written all over your face. And his for that matter." Quinn looks back at me. "Have a good life Fire boy." He smiles back "You too Dodgem."

"Who was that?" Josie asks. "Quinn, he says sorry and good luck with life," I reply looking at Leo. Leo smiles softly, "He is alright just a little hot-headed. I bet he picked up we are together right?" I nod back at him. And we finish watching the movie. By the end, we are all crying and hugging in a small cluster. Pat comes in with dinner and we all eat on the sofa. I must speak to my mum, and pack my stuff tomorrow. I'll be here for good before I know it and that feels great. With Leo by my side, I feel invincible.

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