letter 8 (Josie's Pov)

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(10th library local Oliver - operation day Leo.)

"Dear Everyone,
If you can learn to love yourself, you can learn to do anything. We all have our weaknesses, our flaws as human beings. We can be who we want to be, and Leo taught me that. I can never forget today, it is because Leo bloomed today and I saw her smile in the mirror not as a girl but as a boy and I felt proud. To see my best friend go from not being able to look in the mirror to smiling at his reflection it's amazing how far he has come in the last few months. Make people smile not frown.
From Pandora xx"

We all walk to the library, and we talk about what happened. Lea talks about her operation and Olly fills us in with what happened in the library before they met up with us. And then we saw Leo for the first official time, but let's start at the beginning.

At dawn Leo and I met up he was nervous, he wasn't sure if the operation would help or if on somedays it would make it worse. I cupped his hands in mine, "We all have fears, but hope goes a long way in times of uncertainty. According to my mother anyway. Life is hard but that is how it works and some days are better than others, but you just have to believe each day will be better than the last. Because Leonardo, you are beautiful whether you are male, female both or neither. And I love you like a sibling and I hope that everything turns out well for you. Now, how about going for a run to get those nerves out before you have to go?" Leo agreed and smiled, he thanked me. "I am really nervous about this, but it should be a change for the better. Or at least I hope so. Thank you so much for coming out to meet me it means a lot, Josie. Ready, set, go." Leo sprints off down the street surrounded by the half-awake people coming out of their houses and going into their cars to join the traffic on the motorway and hours later arrive at work.

I was thinking of everything else as my legs zoomed after Leo, I saw the postman going down the road rushing after Mrs Issac once again as she goes off to another nail appointment at 7:20, seriously she never hears a thing after her phone pings and she swipes her pink handbag with a small dog yapping as she speed walks down the road. I have always loved Mrs Issac she was the cool grandma type if grandmas had no children and raised generations of dogs instead, she loved knitting and I met her at weekly classes. She had grey hair and wore a faded red lipstick from speed drinking her morning coffee before rushing out of the door most mornings. She had a husband he worked at the police station as the receptionist, he had dealt with a lot of things over the years but he was really kind despite that. They will both be at the funeral and that is the moment this will all seem real.

I caught up with Leo at the corner because he had stopped to teel Mrs Issac that Samuel the postman had a parcel for her and he was glad that he did. "So Leonardo what do you want to do once your operation is over?" He took a deep breath, "I want to go out for lunch and maybe meet up with Dodge and the others. I still can't believe I had to go to the winter ball alone but it wasn't that bad in the end." I smile, "It's nearly time, as we discussed me and Kay are going to be in the waiting room with Pat. Although Kay and I will get drinks for all of us once you are in the room. It will be okay Leo don't back out now my brave little lion." He looked terrified for a second and I hugged him, then we walked to his house and took one last photo before we all left for the hospital. His hair was long at the time and silver wavy and just below his shoulders he was smiling and we all look so happy even Pat is smiling. It was hard to believe how little Leo had changed but yet how much he grew because of that one change. He was so much happier and more comfortable after it all and I was glad for him.

"Walking into that hospital my hands were shaking, and I felt nervous but excited at the same time. The halls seemed brighter than normal until I saw him, Dodge was in a hospital bed zooming by blood everywhere. Broken nose and bones, his dad left after that day. I had to keep going into the ward where I was due to get operation ready. My stomach was empty, as was my bladder per doctors orders. My brain was buzzing with a million thoughts and I didn't know what to think or do. So I waited for the doctors to call me in perched on the edge of the blue plastic chair. And when my name was called I walked up to them and I was put in a bed then I was out before I knew it.

When I woke up I felt different and I looked down and my chest was flat, stitched up but flat. On the way out awhile later I saw Dodge walking out with a bloody nose and a lot of bandages. I asked him if he wanted to talk to us or hang out, he said yes and so we went to the cafe after both of us changed. And Kay wasn't there but she had an emergency with her mother so she had to go."

After that, we met Pandora and Oliver here. Leo was happy but out of it, I could tell this was a new beginning for him and I was happy.

"It's been a crazy month huh?" Simon mumbles. Leo nods, "Indeed it has Simon." After that we all split and Leo goes to check on Dodge.

I go home with Simon again and we sit on his bedroom floor talking about everything that has happened. "I can't believe she is gone, Simon." He pulls me into his chest as I cry again, "I know swan, but it will get better with time. I'm here for you, always. She would want all of us to be happy." But how can we be happy? I nod and look up into his shining eyes and kiss his lips lightly. It makes me feel better to be with him, like this. We are just sitting together but I feel better like there is light radiating through my soul and making me better. I smile and later I go home to my house for the first time since I found out the news. My parents don't ask they just pull me into a hug and say we have to stick together and that I can always talk to them. I nod. And the day ends.

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