Mr. Nobody from Nowhere...

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The two walked side by side with their leather attire and a laundry list of people to fuck over. First one was Mr. Nobody from Nowhere. He was rich, though, and that was always fun.

"I really have to pee," Adrian clutched his crotch. Drinking all those smoothies was a regret.

"Don't tell the client that, please. Just ask to use the bathroom like a decent human," Grell rolled her eyes. The elevator dinged and the floor with Mr. Nobody was right before them. Grell's heels made loud echoing noises on the tile as they searched for the client's room. It was quiet here, too quiet. She didn't like it. Something weird was going to happen.

Adrian knocked on the door and it opened immediately. That's weird. Was he just waiting there for them? Aren't people usually doing other things? Besides standing at the door all hours of the day lurking? "Can I use your bathroom real quick?" Adrian requested. The guy nodded and led him down the hall. That's strange. People are usually just like 'yeah, it's the third one on the right' or something like that. But, Adrian here was an idiot and was too preoccupied by the fact that he had to pee. He didn't notice that the door locked behind him.

Mr. Nobody returned to Grell. He made casual conversation, in a creepy way, as they talked about the evening's events. Then, as all weirdos do, he pulled out a knife. Grell stared, not quite certain he was serious, but not wanting to find out if he was.

"You dare pull a knife on a lady?" Grell stared at the standard kitchen utensil. She just had to distract him long enough for Adrian to return. Unfortunately for her, she didn't realize that Adrian couldn't return. He was trapped in a prison of his own doing. The locked bathroom, she could hear the rattling of the door and the faint sounds of his voice. This was a bad idea.

"You are no lady," Mr. Nobody frowned. He took a step closer. She took a step back. If only she'd kept her whip at her side, like she was planning to originally. Damnit. She should've trusted her gut.

Adrian, after many failed attempts, finally managed to open the goddamn door. He ran out, nearly falling on his face, and saw the scene. With no care for himself, he sneaked up on the male from behind and swatted the knife out of his hand. He grabbed it, and then pointed it at him. Adrian wasn't the type of person to stab anybody, but Grell was, so he made his way over to her, and gave her the knife.

Mr. Nobody flung himself on her, bad idea, because now he was stabbed. Scene of a crime. Grell grabbed her bag and ran out. She could hear the police now, not a good sign, especially since no one had called them yet. Adrian ran after her. This was something similar to what had happened the night of prom, way back when.

"I'll go left, you go right, right?" Adrian asked. That's how they did it before, when the police found them on the night of prom in the middle of the woods after dark. It was a long story.

"No," Grell grabbed his hand and ran faster. "Let's go together this time. We're partners now. Equals," she smiled.

Adrian returned the grin. "I couldn't ask for anything more."









Well, that's another story come to a close. This was based off of the Netflix Original BONDiNG. There was only one season, unfortunately, and not much material to go off of. There were only 7 episodes. ._. I'm still depressed about it.

In any case, if they do come out with more...I may or may not write more to this fic. But, until then, I hope to see you around on other fics of mine. c;

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