I'm sorry, it has been nice, but my cat needs me...

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The doorbell rang and Grell promptly got off her ass to answer it. "Oh, you came, I wasn't expecting you to actually come," Grell said. Adrian stood at the doorway with his arms crossed and his face agitated.

"Are you going to apologize or was this a waste of time?"

"Right, right, come in," Grell opened the door and took a step to the side. Adrian took one step in and Grell slammed the door shut. It startled him and he jumped into Grell's arms. "Well, that didn't take long for you to forgive me," Grell laughed.

"Please don't do that again," Adrian pleaded.

"Hm, I'll think about it," Grell snickered. Grell released what grasp of Adrian she had and the male fell to the floor.

"Some apology," Adrian groaned, rubbing his butt.

"I am sorry, darling," Grell began. "It wasn't the best of days but that's still no excuse. Do you know who showed up after that? Fucking Sebastian Michaelis. The asshole. He barfed in my bag and the rest of my day was shit. I'm sorry okay, it wasn't you, it's me," Grell placed a hand on her heart for that last classic line. "Apology accepted?"

"Still to be determined," Adrian frowned. He nearly jumped into Grell's arms again when he saw the body on the couch. "Who is that? Did you kill someone? Please tell me you didn't actually kill someone. Why is there a body on your couch? I knew I shouldn't have expected you to apologize so easily..."

"Oh, that's William, we had a bit of fun last night," Grell snickered.

"It moved! The dead body moved!" Adrian hid behind Grell and pointed.

"I didn't kill him. Adrian. What drugs are you taking?" Grell shook her head. "He just passed out here because it was too late for me to trust him going home. The guy is a heavy sleeper. Nothing I do will wake him up. Kind of cute, except for the fact that I have to go greet clients soon. Speaking of clients, are you still going to work with me? Even though I'm a royal asshole?"

"I'll think about it," Adrian sighed. The body sat up and glared. He was not much of an agreeable person upon waking up. Adrian continued to hide behind Grell. "Is the dead body actually going to murder me? Does he seek revenge for what you did?"

"William? Are you okay?" Grell asked. It took a minute or two but the question eventually reached his brain. He looked around, confused, and then grabbed his glasses when he realized he couldn't see shit. Tired brains are the most difficult to use.

"This is not where I live," William squinted, even though he had his glasses on. He was incredibly confused. Grell found this whole situation amusing. She abandoned the terrified Adrian and stood before William.

"It's where I live, sweetie," she said. "I brought you home with me..." Grell was going to explain the rest but leaving it scandalous was more fun. Or, it would have been, had William not started crying. He cried as if was someone else's tears. There wasn't any more emotion than usual, just the addition of wet droplets moving down his face.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I guess I wasn't that much different from other men than I thought..."

"Grell, you have to fucking marry him for what you've done. Holy shit your name should be Madame Asshole," Adrian said.

"Shut the flying fuck up, Anus Fingers," Grell gave him a taste of the universal sign for 'fuck off' before turning her attention back to William. "Nothing happened, I promise. I just let you use my couch to sleep on because it was late and you didn't look like you could make it home on your own."

"Ah!" William stood up, completely and fully awake by this point. "My cat! I'm sorry, it has been nice, but my cat needs me," he grabbed his coat and ran out the door, before running right back in to put on shoes. "I'm sorry," he apologized again and then left.

"Are you sure he remembered everything?" Adrian wasn't so sure.

"I know where to find him," Grell shrugged. "But you," she pointed to Adrian, "are you in this or aren't you?"

"I suppose, I'm okay with it?" Adrian sighed. He needed the money.

. . .

"Wait, what?" Vincent nearly spit out his drink as Adrian explained the earlier events of the day. His job had been hectic.

"Yes, I know, the thought of me in a penguin suit wrestling another man in a penguin suit only to have him try and kiss me, was not something you'd expect working as the assistant to a dominatrix," Adrian let out a long sigh.

"I'm not sure what's more hilarious, the fact that you were wearing a penguin suit or the fact that the guy was so turned on by you in the penguin suit that he wanted to molest you," Vincent tried not to laugh and failed. "People are into some weird shit!"

"What are you into?" Adrian felt that he had to know. "I've told you one of the things I'm into. I'm sure it's about time you divulge your secrets."

"As far as secrets go, I've got quite a bit of them," Vincent said, taking another sip of his tea. "In any case, I used to be a stripper. My role was to be an uppity douchebag...and, well, let's just say the passion for standing on people's dicks has never left me."

"Maybe my friend should hire you to be her assistan- wait, stripper?" Adrian stood up said that a bit too loudly. Heads turned and Adrian blushed while sitting back down.

"Don't get too excited," Vincent winked. "I used to work at a place called Svante. It wasn't your usual stripping establishment. They got really into roleplay there. I would've stayed longer but another guy just joined and he was too much like me so I left to give him some space."

"Such a kind gentleman," Adrian laughed. He let his imagination run wild whilst trying to avoid thinking about the penguin incident. He would never look at those little creatures the same way again...

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