Important Announcement

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Hello Readers!

This is not an update, but just a couple of announcements I want to make. First, this book is 3 years old....Hooray!!!......This book has reached 50k reads. I really didn't expect this to happen. I remember when I first wrote this book, I published the first 5 chapters, and I got so excited with just 10 reads, then it became 100, then 500, then 1000, then 1500, then BAMMM 50k. It's all thanks to you. I enjoy writing this book because of all the positive comments you write. I deeply appreciate it. This story would have never continued without you guys. Thank you so much for all your love and support. I remember every Saturday night i would try to update and chapter, but nowadays I barely update, I'm sorry. But I'm trying my best.

Second, I wrote this story before the Pokemon XYZ series finished, so I thought of a different ending. But, I didn't finish writing this book right away, and the Pokemon XYZ series did finish. I changed a bit my first ending to fit the anime, but I also came up with another ending. This became a problem to me because I didn't know which ending I like the most, so I decided to make this story have 2 endings. You readers can choose the ending you prefer. Also, this book is not ending write away give it 5-10 chapters then it will end. The two way ending will start right after the chapter, Anger.

I need you guys to pick:

A. To upload the complete Ending#1 , then the complete Ending#2


B. To upload the first chapter of Ending#1, then the first chapter of Ending#2, then second chapter of Ending#1...........

Again, I can't thank you enough for all of your love and support.


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